How to connect MFP to OFS?

any tips for connecting MFP to OFS for easy scripting?

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I also recommend the simulator for easy scripting without a physical device.

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can’t connect the MPV player on MFP to OFS
have you edit any setting before?

I place an mpv.conf in %appdata%/OFS/OFS3_data/ directory with the following content.


it fixed and able to connect!

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In MFP you have to use the OFS source, connecting to the internal mpv player like that is a little bit pointless because it does not send the scripts to MFP, which is the whole point.
The last @Falafel screenshot might be misleading, the screenshot is saying to press connect under OFS source since it is selected, but at the same time mpv is trying to autoconnect.

Yes. That screenshot meant to say connect OFS. MPV just happens to be reconnecting when I hit screenshot

I’ve set up a hotkey in OFS to export scripts quickly, and I’ve also got hotkeys to unload and reload scripts in MFP. With these three hotkeys, I can instantly see how my script is working on my SR6, make edits in OFS, and play my unfinished script in MFP all at the same time.

This is especially awesome for longer scripts that take 30 minutes or more. I don’t have to wait for the whole thing to finish anymore. I can keep editing and enjoy my DIY partially completed script on my SR6 right away.

OFS sends the script to MFP on each edit so you have live script updates without any shortcuts. You just have to use the OFS source in MFP instead of hacking mpv.

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Oh I see, LOL there’s an option called OFS in MFP

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