How to script an endpoint

Making Him Spurt Josie Jo - flat for twist.funscript (33.8 KB)

I’ve edited the script to take into consideration her (vertical, L0) pauses and loitering, and the ‘jiggle’, if any, removed, (mostly at the top peaks).

(The original .funscript is on the bottom.)

@Yoooi : One of the unknowns is how MFP would decide to improvise a twist and what would trigger it to do more or less twist action, and what limits that in either degree, speed or time, if left to it’s own presets.

That is why I say it is not so easy and fast to edit out a fake twist. The top of the motion is here at the white cursor. You can not just remove one point of the fake. Also you can not flatline that long, its not good. @burtreynolds complained when he was coaching me. Never flatline only if there is really zero motion and even there try to move it.


So scripting what really happens is a vertical slowdown in the twist so it would be this:


That would be deletion of one point and movement of two. That is a lot of work to correct and I would not invest it in my scripts. So in my opinion should not be done in first place. Scripting endpoints to the frame is important to keep a script editable.

I turn off the spline display, as it’s misleading (the actual motion doesn’t match in the final output), but I guess that it can guide you to setting additional points along the curve.

In this particular script, she is pretty good about repeating the same thing on a regular frequency, so it’s not as difficult as it would otherwise be.

Looking at the spline view, the point at roughly 90 is a bit before the peak, about where a sine wave would start to be about a 45degree slope, and the point at 100 is slightly after the peak so the slope of that short isn’t quite flat, but about a 10-15 point rise over several frames.

is this what we’re looking for?

or in spline mode:

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Was about to say that should probably turn off “spline mode” for better visualization.

right click → rendering

Yeah spline mode is just optical. I prefer it dunno why.

Your original script isnt bad it just does not take into consideration that twist is coming soon and will get standard imo as it is really easy and fast to add and script. So yeah if the 100% point is the turning point that should be perfect to add a twist to in my book.

I mostly take 10% for the twist up or down depending in which direction it goes.

I dont know what you mean, are you talking about the random motion provider?

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Yes: how the random motion provider decides to do a twist, how far and how fast. We can script a twist, but knowing how it responds when there’s no twist file would help.

Well how it responds depends on your MFP configuration, but random motion provider is based on open simplex noise which is similar to perlin noise, its basically a random wave pattern with some parameters.