Open to discussion on this howto and I try to keep it short but I think its really important.
I define an endpoint when the motion stops. Exactly in that frame the dot has to be set in Openfunscripter OFS. Sometimes this can be an immediate direction change then to find the right frame is easy with the arrow keys.
Now what if there is a stop or twist with no height change? That endpoint gets less simple to set. Does it have to be the middle or when the motion stops or when the motion goes on again.
Advanced scripting would set a point when the motion stops for sure and then one when the pause ends and motion starts again not flatlining the motion as many dislike that happening. Some even put extra points when the speed to those stoppoints and startpoints gets slower and then speeds up. Thats another discussion how high a resolution of a script is making sense.
So why is putting a single point somewhere in the pause (twist or long motion recovery) so bad? The script is in sync after all. The reason is, it can not be easily changed to advanced scripting. A twist funscript can not be easily adapted as first each and every point has to be moved to the beginning of the pause, where the motion has stopped. That is sometimes as much work as a full rescript.
Still if you use one single point per direction, which is fine for beginners, set it in the middle of a motion break. As you can read below it is the best approach if you only script one point.
I get what you mean and I support this advice. Personally I’d like to align the actions to the beginning of every movement, especially thrusts.
Though I may also wanna take the interpolation methods implemented by MFP and certain stroker toys into consideration. If post-processing makes each endpoint rounded, isn’t it better to place that node in the middle of a motion break?
Maybe something @Yoooi can answer. That would be a problem for the scripter if he wants to add rotation or resolution. If you are right advanced scripting would be absolutely mandatory.
Agree with @Falafel . From my experience, what matters most when it comes to a script feeling well-synced is the start point is placed when the on-screen movement has started to accelerate. The ending of a movement doesn’t matter as much.
But I only script for the Handy and never consider multi-axis. I wouldn’t want to sacrifice the sync in my scripts for the potential of maybe at some point making them multi-axis.
Oh no. I meant when scripting a continuous up-down movement. If the movement stops, the script will stop and there is an endpoint (or a midpoint if there is a little bit of movement).
Maybe I misunderstood your post. Not setting an endpoint when the motion stops just sounds like a bad script. An example could help?
Yea I tried but I dont understand what you mean by point in the middle of motion break, so I cant really comment on interpolation.
For me when a motion starts or ends there should be a point, I dont know what a middle point would do.
Maybe some screenshots from OFS of example scripts would help.
Many scripters only set one point for up and one for down. The discussion here is, if there is only one, where should it be. Beginning of pause when vertical motion stops, middle of pause or end of the pause where vertical motion begins again.
Strokes in reality is never a triangular wave, there ought to be some acceleration and deceleration.
A is when someone place a point at the point where the stroke starts.
B is when someone place a point “in the middle of a motion break” / on the frame where displacement is most significant.
C is when someone place a point at the frame where the last stroke ends.
Oh I see, I think it might depend on the pause duration and video context. On short/very short pause the middle might make more sense because of device inertia and interpolation, on long pause it makes more sense to use start or end of stroke.
This is how PChip interpolation looks, orange ideal, green one point per stroke in the middle:
Ignoring interpolation I agree that using start or end is preferred.
But imo the scripts feel so much better if they have a point at the start and the end of a pause and that should be the ideal option. It does not feel like it would make the script harder to make.
I haven’t tried a lot of action scripting. But - as food for thought - I’ve played around with something, that in my opinion is a good enough approximation: Using the “middle” strategy (case B in the graphic) and then applying a smoothing function, e.g. “SmoothWaves” from Kingleon99’s Collection Strictly speaking, you can go with either strategy and then move the points if it is easier/quicker to find the start/end of movements than the middle.
Depending on the parameters you set, there is a small rest of flat movement (or none at all) around those points and steeper movement in between, approximating a sine with six points per period. Within the flat phases of the stroke the twist action can be inserted. What I have done is script the twist axis in the same manner (only middle points) and a 90° phase shift to the stroke axis to then smooth them also, albeit with different parameters. This results in a pretty quick way to approximate a HJ with a twist movement. Similar can be done with the pitch axis for a riding/grinding motion.
As an example: Top is the stroke axis, bottom is the twist axis. As you can see, the endpoints of the twist are in the middle of the stroke action (=90° phase shift). After smoothing, once the stroke slows down, the twist goes to action.
Not sure if it’s what is asked here, but using the Handy I started do add a bit more points for acc/deceleration. So in my case D:
Normal speed triangle one clear movement without stops
0 - 100 (whatever fits according to the scene and feel) - 0 (as soon as dick completely inside)
Movement with pauses and top and end
0 10 (when movement really starts) depending on speed up and if top is 100 I go 80/90 for the next, 100, 90/80 again depending on the speed it goes down or stays on top, then 10 or 0 depending on the movement there or if there are body slams and enough frames at the end, I will add a vibration if it fits here, then depending on the start up frame I will go normal to 100 or start at 10 again and go to 80/90 again
so in the case of the third stroke in the picture I would go
0 - movement starts 10 - 90 - 100 as the mid point - 90 when the dick tip vanishes or depending on the size of the dick a certain amount ofmovement happens - depending on the speed 0 or 10
Pretty bad to explain. Most of it also depends on the scene itself imo.
My opinion is that people should really start using middle points, especially for slow actions where accel / deccel / pauses are clearly visible :>
And toys like the Handy should work on their BLE protocol to make the playback smoother, whilst antiques like A10 Piston should be gathered and destroyed at mass.
Yeah you could be right even if they cant be easily converted to advanced scripting.
I understand the hardware is doing that by itself if it is regular acceleration and only needed if the speed changes abnormally. The regular acceleration is covered. Am I wrong @Yoooi ?
Aka do we need to script natural acceleration? Is a script better if we do?
Absolutely can’t agree with that. It’s a big difference depending which I noticed which is why I started doing that a lot more if it fits. It always depends on the scene itself of course and how the actors perform, but if a woman stays at the top a bit longer or fully inside, and slowly starts going up or down, then it makes a big difference here.
E.g. what I mean is this:
Normal woman goes up, goes down, start point as soon as she starts moving up, end point when movement stops at the very top and the next frame would start go down.
The scene though goes like this:
Slow start up, then speed, then slow again, downward travel she slams down after an inital start up of a few frames so something like this (without simulating an ass/body slam without vibration):
which makes a big big difference when I use the Handy over WiFi.
You change the curve Shayuki those are two different motions. The lower one is accelerated with a longer pause. If the actors stay at the enpoints longer you need to put those extra points in no doubt. You just dont need to put in points that keep the lower curves yellow and green. At least I think so.
There is another enpoint scripting that I would like to put on the table. Fake twists. They may feel nice but if later a twist.funscript will be added, the change to a regular endpoint with a pause will be so much work that the twist.funscript wont happen. None of the three endpoints is a real stop or go. So kind of a dead end. would be almost a rescript.