I created a patreon for monthly free scripts

Oh snap that’s my request!! You’re awesome

so this is the email i received when my account was disabled still no word from support I will reply to this topic again when i get a response at the moment i am unable to login to my patreon account so i cannot check any messages. i am still working on the scripts requested by my patrons if you are a patron and have a Eroscripts account send me a DM with your patreon name so when i finish a script i can DM it to you otherwise any scripts that would be available on my patreon will be available on my gumroad until either my account is reinstated or not.

"This is Magda on the Trust & Safety team here at Patreon. I am writing to inform you that your account has been removed for violating our Community Guidelines.

Patreon was created to fund the creative class, however, we don’t allow pornographic and sexually gratifying content on the platform. Because your campaign exclusively featured pornographic content, we have removed your creator page."


I don’t really understand, why this happened. There is so much porn content on patreon. Or is it because it was real life porn and not animated / digital porn?

I’m assuming its because i used screenshots and gifs to preview the vids that were scripted or being scripted. im guessing patreon doesn’t care about animated stuff as its the artists creation. take anonbluna for example they make porn games and animations and post pics of said games but because its their creation they can post it. at least that’s what I’m guessing is the case

Does people are in sub to a patreon for script ? Was scripting vr in the past but stopped because it talking too much. I was searching to found a way to make a little bit of money against script

These are the patreons I know, maybe it helps to find an answer?!


spaceguy4820 (atm not available)







https://www.patreon.com/tempestvr + software


patreon seems to be a prerty good way my account only got disabled for using pics/gifs of the vids that were scripted so it stands to reason if you just post scripts youll be fine i made roughly $150 in the first few days just taking script requests a good portion of them were vr vids or you can use gumroad which is a pay per script kinda deal where you can set the price of the script.

Keep us updated on the status really wanted to purchase that crystal rush script. Its crazy the hoops creators need to jump through because payment processors are still so puritanical about what source money they bank and process. :roll_eyes:

i agree i can put that crystal rush script on gumroad if your intersted in it


Okey I will think about all of this maybe ask you some question. Thanks

Just had a look to your gumroad feel good to use. Is it ok to create post that redirect to gumroad on the pay scripted section ? If I understand Well it’ sa plateform to buy files ?

theres a few scripters that use gumroad to sell their scripts so id say its a good and easy way to sell

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Gumroad is the only alternative direct-payment for scripts beside SLR and Realsync atm. But, it is not sure, that scripts will not be banned on this plattform or your payment could be frozen. Nobody ever used this service before I started it I think. The first step is done, my account is verified for payout by gumroad team after 3 weeks of waiting.

I don’t use any copyright material on my product page or try to change it so that it isn’t immediately obvious. Nobody knows how publisher react on script products that are based on their copyrighted video material. I censored every adult word from the gumroad pages and don’t refer directly from eroscripts to gumroad to prevent connection to adult material and publisher.

My plan is to write a little review about selling on gumroad after 1 or 2 months. With true earnings and experience, without secrets.


If it turns out this isn’t about the images and is instead about the content (I could see it being too technical to skirt rules that other things skirt for “artistic merit”), you might try asking a Patreon-alternative like IndieGogo if it would be allowed, particularly if you did not link to the content in question and just provided what are literally text files of numbers. This is one of those strange things where a more restrictive site’s policy might actually allow for what a less restrictive site’s does not.

Paying $10 a month for a custom script and access to any that others might have scripted is definitely something I’d be interested in if you can find the method to make it work without having to get involved with any crypto junk. Heck, if someone can find a way to make a more direct pay-per-script situation work out (pay X to get a custom one that then gets released to you for free and to a storefront for Y, for instance) that could be very interesting too, depending on rates.

thats why ive been trying to use gumroad but like @mADsCRIPTS said nobody knows how itll work long term. there’s plenty of pornographic patreons out there mostly animated stuff so maybe ill just have to create another patreon if i cant get the old one back and just make sure to not post any pics or gifs but instead links to their respective eroscript pages

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so here’s the email i received after asking the support if there was any way to reinstate the creator page if i removed the images. seems like the patreon page isn’t coming back.


I think the use of copyrighted images (ie phonographic scenes) + downloadable funscripts probably triggered the trust and safety team. They probably don’t know what it is and think you are doing illegal activity off platform with Patreon. I saw another Patreon get taken down for having Disney, SW, and Marvel images but did not sell any copyrighted work.

Feels bad bc I was one of your first 10 Jupiter subs and I didn’t make a request bc I was looking for the scene to request :sob:
It does say you can start a new project after a few months tho u could bring it back

I’m still gonna release the scripts that were requested before it was taken down theyll just be either free scripts or paid, any patrons who already paid can DM me and get the paid scripts for free just need to know the patron name first. which vid did you request?

Aww man I never got to put my request in! Was really excited with the releases too.

Patreon is rubbish.

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