I have a question for the Scripters out there (I need your help)

Hi friends,

I have a question that I hope you can help me with. I’ve been learning how to script and have started by modifying existing scripts (from other scriptors/AI) to suit my preferences. I have several scripts where the stroke length is much too short, and I want to increase the overall stroke length across most or all of the script to the same value. Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to find a simple solution for this issue.

To be clear, is there a way to increase (and quantize) the stroke length of an entire script to the same level without having to adjust it point by point? I would like to click and drag the top values to stretch them, but because the stroke lengths vary in height/value, I can’t click and drag all the points to an even level, which is what I’m trying to achieve.

Currently, I’m using the SLRScriptsAI application (I know, I know amateur), where I have to make these changes point by point, which is very time-consuming. I also have the JoyFun Scripter and the OpenFun Scripter.

Apologies if this isn’t very clear. Any guidance or solutions would be greatly appreciated!

Thank you!

In ScriptPlayer there is a setting called “Range Extender”, which allows you to do this:




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I made some software in Python to do exactly this, and another person made a similar tool but it doesn’t raise it by a percentage, but rather by flat values.

Other guy’s tool (easier to use):

My tool:

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Actually, I think both of us are missing the point of the request.

He’s saying there are strokes going like:
20 80 20 80 30 70 30 70 25 75 25 75…
And he’d want them all to be set to the same tops and bottoms, so like:
20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80 20 80.

I’ve been looking for a similar feature, like a “move selected points to value” on the top values and then the low values. Would smooth out a lot of scripts actually.

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THAT would be a feature of ScriptPlayer.VideoSync (very old, non user-friendly, not supported script editor I made):

The Range stretcher allows you to remap any high-and low-points - absolute or relative, even with a gradient in between





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In OFS you can do the range extender as well. First go to View and select Special Functions, it’ll open up a window called Special Functions. On the drop down select Range Extender. Say this is your starting script:

Select the whole script and set the Range Extender value to 100 now your script will look like this (you’ll have to manually set the first and last points):

Now select the whole script again and move the Range Extender slider to the negative until you’re at the range you want, in my example I’m setting everything to 20-80:

Lastly, just set the first and last point to what you want and you’re done. I believe this is what you’re asking about. Correct me if I’m wrong.


The “continue minmax” button in my post processing tools for OFS does exactly that. It adjusts the peak and valley values of the selected range to the min and max values just preceding the selection.

I use two third party tools in OFS for your requirements.

  1. There are special buttons in Funscript Generator for top or bottom alignment.
  2. To increase amplitude, there is a Lua script MakeVibration - which goes through the points at a selected time and adds a few units up and down each.

Thanks for the reply! I will check out ScriptPlayer, I’ve never used it before. but from the snapshot youve shared it looks very user friendly

Yes this is exactly what I am looking for! Something that would equalize all the top points to the same level and raise them evenly to a higher value.

I just check out @charz1060 solution and it worked flawlessly so I think I will go with that (especially since I do not have to download anything else). but I really, REALLY appreciate you and your impute. I owe you one!

Wow just worked flawlessly! I cant believe It used to take me 1-2 hours to move all the Points individually by hand, frame by frame and I just adjusted a script in 2mins with you method. Thanks man! I am really REALLY and grateful to you :slight_smile:

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Thanks for the advice man :slight_smile: , where can I get ahold of these extension tools? I don’t see them in the OFS

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