JoyFunScripter 0.13.1 - Make your own scripts!

It would be a good feature if you could select a load of points and set them at a certain position like 80 or 60 etc

I am getting this too, it’s very annoying

I cant get a single video to load in this app… whats going on? It says Could not render any streams from the source.

is there any way to load .mp3 or .wav files other than converting them into a video format?

Hope i don´t blame me but how to undo a action?

JoyFunScripter opens but I don’t see a window anymore. Any ideas?

Hello everyone.
I have a little problem, can anyone help me?
I decided to take the plunge and start creating my first scripts.
To get started easily I use JFS.
Small problem, I don’t know by what manipulation I made the green cursor which represents the movement of the Handy go away.
I wanted to reduce its size, it slipped into the screen and it was impossible to find it.
But without it it’s difficult to script, because by superimposing it on the image we know the position of the handy when it plays.
How can I get the green cursor back??
Thanks in advance to those who take the time to respond to me.
Good day.

I don’t use JFS anymore, but if you haven’t made a lot of changes to the JFS configuration you can probably just delete the application settings. This will restore JFS to its default settings. Someone might have a more precise solution, but this should work.

Read more on how here: Troubleshooting JoyFunScripter (JFS)

Hey there’s a button to reset it here:

thanks “raser1”
I found my cursor, your indication is good
big thanks

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as a noob i downloaded this and made one script worked well… i closed the programme but now if i wanna reopen it its like the program has frozen trying to load my old video or something…?
i installed the lava filters also

never mind above message… i read a few other peoples problems and discovered myself how to get it back reading sentinel’s message to use alt the space bar… and restored the window back.

Ive tried this on 2 machines and it crashes. I have a text doc with the error if you would like to look at it. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Good morning, gentlemen. I need your help. I want to try my hand at writing a script. I’ve never done this, I’m not a programmer. Maybe someone will drop a link on how to write scripts for a video with a naked new script as a sample… Thank you in advance.

Check the HowTo section of this forum. There are written and video guides there.

thank you very much​:handshake::handshake::handshake:

I have a problem and I haven’t even started yet

I’m going through all the documentation on OFS and JFS and I’m not seeing where or if either allows you to view your script timeline alongside an audio waveform timeline. Are you guys being serious, no one has thought to make the audio wave form visible on the timeline in any of these script editors? Did we just rule out the idea people would want to sync their toys to a beats track and enjoy the visible reference for exact toy-beat matching? I don’t want to be snotty about it, but I feel like posting that IQs dropping suddenly meme from Aliens, I made a beats track for my latest Cock Hero thinking I was gonna sync it to a funscript easily, because, you know, every beat is frame-accurate sync’d to the video in all my projects as it is for anyone making solid pmv’s, but not so I guess. Am I missing something?

In OFS you have this on right click:

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I just downloaded the entire ZIP of OFS, I don’t even know how to install the application or open it to begin with. Got any advise? Because I have a script I wish to cut and crop in certain sections.

You can open a topic in Help if you need help.
Keep this thread relevant to JFS.