Loli / shota debate containment thread

Yeah and I’d rather be realistic about how these laws are used

If you would have said the probability of being prosecuted under these laws is low, I would have agreed with you. But that’s not what you did. What you did was imply artistic value was an absolute defense and that 1466A requires the depicted minors to be real. That is not realistic, that is total bullshit.

  1. No I don’t think that’s possible with how discourse works? But that kind of defeats the purpose of this whole thing anyway
  2. I don’t know enough about that website. Is the entire thing loli content? Or is it mostly other stuff?
  3. Should be fine since it’s adults
  4. I don’t want to make any promises about not changing rules, but I will say that there is no plans to change anything right now.
  5. Vlad was looking into it, but no further updates at this time
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“It is not a required element of any offense under this section that the minor depicted actually exist.” The definition of a minor is a persons under the legal age. Thus easily gone around with any disclaimer saying “all participants in this video are 18+ and consent” as people do currently and in the past.

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Ahh yes, I’m sure that is usable as an absolute defense against obscenity in court. A scene that looks like a 3 year old getting gangbanged is not obscene because it’s actually a 1000 year old viking.

Of course not, wtf are you thinking?

Toddlercon is a whole different issue.

Pretty much everything regarding the topic has already been said and it’s just spinning in circle. I just want to add another voice of disapproval regarding the changes. I don’t even like shota content but loli content is often one of the few ways to enjoy petite bodies because for some reason the people who create hentai content love their “mommy milkers” and I simply don’t like big breasts (even in regular porn). Those ridiculous body proportions are a huge turn off (similar to 20 inch long dicks in futa content).
I’m sure the change is done to prevent legal issues but it’s unfortunate that that’s the case in the first place. If people cannot differentiate between real life and fiction the issue is with them, not the one consuming fictional content. The whole debate is so ridiculous, it reminds me of the discussion we had 10+ years ago about video games turning children into school shooters. Absolute bonkers …


Equally applying the proposed flawed logic would mean banning the genre teen in regular porn as well.

On the basis of law, genres like bestiality and abuse (choking, slapping) should also be banned using the presented logical framework.

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That’s the opposite of true.
The CPPA was judged to be unconstitutional and the PROTECT Act was passed to revise those parts.
The PROTECT Act made it no longer unconstitutional.

(Well, it is true that the Eleventh Circuit wrongfully struck it down but the Supreme Court reversed that ruling.)

Staff Notice: This thread is not about the legality of pandering virtual cheese pizza.

Ah shit here we go again back at the definition of “depict”, well I guess we will let the lawyers handle that :saluting_face:

Yes, ATF is pretty much all loli and shota. The whole site was born out of a frustration from seeing site after site doing exactly what eroscripts is doing now


No, it doesn’t mean that at all.

Can we please stop with the bad comparisons? Loli, teen, bestiality, smoking and pizza boxes are not the same. Even if they were the same, maybe that does indeed mean we should ban them too, so either way the argument has no value.


…here’s a question:

At what age does toddlercon (bad) become lolicon (good)?

There are many people on this thread who profess that lolicon is a healthy activity, but toddlercon is not. The rebuttal, “That’s toddlercon, it’s completely different!” has been used more than once in arguments.

So, just to clarify, i’m curious what at age toddlecon ceases, and why you’re arguing that it is only acceptable to begin masturbating to depictions of children having sex after that point, but it’s not acceptable before then…


I don’t really think you can say it’s either bad or good based on age, as long as they aren’t real there can’t be any harm. So technically both of them are not bad.

You can have your own personal opinions but based on facts is what counts.

Also toddlers become lolis after they are done toddling.


as long as they aren’t real there can’t be any harm

I’ve seen it in passing while having a look at ATF. It’s even more unrealistic than loli/shota. Bodies of loli/shota of the prepubescent age variety already don’t work they way they are usually depicted on said site, so it’s ridiculous to assume toddler bodies do.

…So in a way, it’s not as bad? Not my kink so I don’t particularly care either way, just my 2¢

Which brings back to the fact that 2d lolis aren’t real and 2d toddlers also aren’t real. It’s not realistic because it’s not real! I guess the typically depiction of 2d toddlers are like midget loli/shota which are just younger, shorter, and sometimes chubbier; but who truly cares.

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Wait, so you’re telling me all the time I spent studying Mantis-X videos for my human anatomy major has gone to waste? Fuck


Y’know it’s funny, as I go around archiving all the loli and shota scripts, I keep seeing a lot of the same people who are in favor of this ban, including many of the people willing to attack anyone who’s upset by it, commenting on those same posts, gushing about their favorite loli or shota video finally getting scripted.

What he fuck happened.


People are angry because this kind of thing is always a battle in every community where it’s allowed. I’ll bet everyone here who is into that content has seen or experienced excessive outrage towards them/their group using the same arguments and feelings you’ve expressed (among others). It’s to the point where it strikes an emotional chord similar to the one you experience when you first saw the content here.

They simply want to enjoy what they enjoy and be a part of a community that enjoys it, it’s quite a human thing. Though, since this content always sparks a war, they can never simply do this in peace for long.