Loli / shota debate containment thread

Hentai Haven

one is a girl that is at least somewhat grown the other is a toddler. there is nothing attractive about that whatsoever. at least a petite body type can be attractive.


I feel like I get what you’re saying, but it’s a little odd to compare being kinkshamed with having a trauma response. I dunno.

Bottom line for me is you can like what you like without hurting anyone, but to claim that it’s not weird at all is what tends to raise eyebrows more than liking it in the first place. It’s the people who defend it with unnecessary hostility who seem most suspect, just because it incidentally implies that they felt personally attacked or accused of something when they weren’t even directly mentioned. Like saying “It wasn’t me!” unprompted when someone notices a broken vase.

Most people of my opinion are too disgusted to try and understand, and most people of yours are too emotionally attached to porn to consider that it might be kinda weird. Nobody’s getting anywhere angry, so I genuinely appreciate you being civil about it. Makes it a lot easier to actually discuss things.


(meant this to be part of my other post, forgot about slowmode edits)

There’s definitely a spectrum of loli going on here that has been very informative for me. A lot of people seem to have at least a functional relationship with it that doesn’t strike me as problematic, and there’s also a few who ring some subtle alarm bells for me. Not like “This person is a certified pedo” but like “This person has a very unhealthy emotional attachment to loli that could potentially become a more tangible problem”

Whether you agree or not I feel like you can probably understand why I would feel that way if you read some of the above comments from an impartial perspective.


Other than a few comments that the moderators have dealt with, I haven’t really seen anyone being hostile. A little passionate sure (myself definitely included), but not hostile.

I’ve dealt with a lot of sites banning loli over the years, it’s actually slowed down recently, it was far worse around mid-2010’s, ban sprees were happening everywhere. So it was pretty upsetting to see it happen here, especially after a bunch of polls and threads where the moderators pretty strongly communicated that they would keep allowing it.

This ban really feels like it came from paranoia after the MEGA ban wave, and the initial communication from the mod team was to put it blunt, awful. For most users it sprung out of nowhere.

I don’t think it’s weird to stick up for something you care about, and that’s what most of the vocal people here have been doing. And implying that anyone arguing a bit too passionately for your liking is a pedo seems pretty ridiculous, and like you’re trying to shut down discussion.


To add on with some more information/perspective is that anyone who’s been semi watching the script creator space will know that prior to the ban there had been an another creeping wave of patreon/gumroad bans along with reporting/flagging of file hosting accounts which appeared to be targeted somewhat (not entirely) towards Loli/Shota and Furry creators. (Even if they didn’t host any adult content themselves just the scripts)

Which could be an cause for anger for those on both sides since scripts and videos were lost with no one to clearly assign blame and anger to and so presumptions could have been made. Meanwhile creators themselves have then got to setup their entire business again if they even can causing extra frustration on their side. Only then for the site that they just got back to posting on or have just finished fixing links on to then announce an ban out of the blue seemingly without any whispers or any behind the scenes consultation for what alternatives could be done. e.g opt-in system


I’m glad you understand, I’d say it’s more of a response towards being uprooted and expelled from a community rather than a response to being kink shamed, but it seems you get the gist.

And I agree with you as well, It makes sense that if you take a random sample of lolicons and a random sample of normal people, you’re more likely to find genuine pedos in one group than you are the other. You said it pretty well earlier, “violent people play violent video games is because they’re violent in the first place”. I personally wouldn’t vouch for everyone here, but I assume their are quite a few with a healthy relationship with it. What they want you to know is that liking this doesn’t inherently makes you an evil creep. More than that though, they want to maintain their community and space, and convincing people that they aren’t a danger is a part of achieving that goal.


I personally find it quite fortunate that the hosts of the website decided to give us a whole month to pack up and find other places and transition to. They could have just deleted the tag on that day, silenced any mention of the word “loli”, and baned anyone who tries to speak out about the issue. In the case we got, a lot more people will know what to do after eroscripts doesn’t support this content anymore, and a lot of people got the opportunity to back up content before its eventually gone.

The only thing they can do to help more would be to publicly mention the alternatives (like iwara, HMVmania, fantia as well as other subscription based websites, ATF, and etc.) in some sort of announcement so that everyone who is interested can just move on over (and so the haters know what site to harass next <_<). They could also be a bit more clear about the new rules going forward, but I get this all takes some time to figure out. Lots of edge cases they may or may not have even thought of.



Gonna post this every chance I get until stuff gets purged, but the loss in scripts really is the most tragic part about all of this. If anyone see’s the scripts I still haven’t managed to archive and you have a copy, please DM me and I’ll add it.

It feels like this is being actively avoided, maybe it’s all just too much of a hassle to post on multiple sites. As sad as that is, I get it, it’s annoying to tackle multiple sites, especially with the threat of content going down now looming.

I frankly think all other sites should be used as much as possible, but ATF is easily the best alternative, the entire idea is to be a place for loli/shota content, so the only way it’s getting removed is if the whole site goes down, and that’s pretty unlikely.

It’s a shame that it seems like people still have a gross misunderstanding about it and are avoiding it.

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It’s again a body type thing, age has no reasoning or importance when people can make up whatever age they want.

This is mainly because you’re seeing it entirely through the view of porn consumption. Lolicon has essentially been a culture for well over 20+ years so people have an emotional attachment to it for good reason. The defensiveness and hostility is coming from the mass amount of people that are constantly calling people pedos over the tamest things on twitter and every other website with Americans.

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It’s always weirded me out just how strong of a reaction people have over pedophilia in the west. Not saying that reaction is bad, it isn’t, but in the west it’s SO SO overblown, especially considering how normalized other horrible shit is, like murder. A lot of people shrug that shit off because they’re so desensitized yet gasp in absolute horror and disgust when a mid-20 year old dates a 17 year old.


I mean I think it is normal for those people’s reaction when we are talking about real life. The problem is they always try and cry wolf about anime or furry cartoons.


Yeah that’s what I mean in a sense. The overreaction is so strong it leads to people getting upset about drawings.


From the dude who married Hatsune Miku, being less delusional than people here:
