Looking for a Tool to Categorize Videos and Move Scripts Automatically

Hi everyone,

I’m looking to see if anyone knows of or is interested in creating a tool that can automatically categorize explicit videos into existing subcategories based on their content (e.g., using video frames or other analysis methods).

The tool would also need to move or associate the script with the video, so that both the video and its corresponding script are categorized together. This would save a lot of time for people with large archives, eliminating the need to manually sort and categorize each video and script individually.

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These two are popular. I don’t know how automated they are though. There are probably some threads/guides here on ES discussing these two apps. Use search and see what you find.


I will have to check them out, I appreciate the info on something at least!

For stashapp specifically you can connect it to metadata databases online.
like https://pmvstash.org
But you have to apply for access to it.

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