Can someone make a Meru VR or POV video based on the Meru Succubus series (specifically Episode 1)? that would be epic! Or at least give tips how best to go about it? I found the someone has made a 3d model of Meru and someone has the tcode of the motions, but how to re-create the scene? If you can help make this a reality, I can help get you those things. Thank you!!
The original looks like it was rendered with 3D models and had a filter applied. It’s theoretically possible to rerender it in VR using the original project files, but it would be a longshot and would be a considerable amount of rendering time… like months on an ordinary computer.
As for recreating the scene from scratch, that’s a very long and arduous process for someone already skilled in animation.
Thank you! What about using a tool/game like VAM?
Again, recreating the scene would be a rather arduous task. The only place those positions and animations are saved are in the original project files. T-code isn’t always copy and paste and nine minutes of video is a lot of motion to go through. If you’re willing to approximate it, you could cut out a considerable amount of time by using canned animations for things like certain sex positions that have been made by prior users. The transitions will still be a bitch.
By all means, go ahead and learn the software for something like VAM then give it a shot. You won’t regret it even if you’re unsuccessful. If you are, then transitioning between a VR experience and a POV video would be trivial. I just want you to be cognizant of the task that you’re requesting.
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