Motion Tracking Funscript Generator v0.5.x

I run the generator and there is a delay of about 30 seconds.
This was never a problem in the first place.
The script generation works fine.
The last thing I did was replace my graphics card, could this be related?
It’s been a while so I can’t think of any other reason.

I knew what the problem was!
NORTON SECURITY was doing too much scanning.
After deleting it, it now runs fast normally.

This is a magnificent tool! Thank you so much.

it’s responsive, once you find distinct spots for the tool to lock onto its a riding bike. a pickup for anyone getting started on scripting. or looking to make the scripting process easier.

The only feature I can think of that would make it even cooler is maybe a magic wand tool to highlight an area to track but the point to point already implemented is already so amazing.

You are deeply appreciated and I look forward to any updates to the tool or supplementary tools that you make!

Any way to set the size of the “postprocessing for x” window? Quite a pain to resize it each time.

Any way to set the size of the “postprocessing for x” window? Quite a pain to resize it each time.

The simplest solution for me is to open the window in maximized mode. I created the new release v0.5.3 where open in maximized mode for the post processing window is implemented. By default the window will now open in maximized mode. The new behavior can be disabled in settings.

NOTE: As i don’t have access to windows at the moment i can’t test if the new function works as indented on windows…


Thanks will try the new version, any way to set all upper points together to a specific value after marking upper poinst only?

Is it me or did you pack the .2 files? Stills says 0.52 after manual (re)install

It works for me, thanks

Two suggestions:

Would it be possible to implement an option for multiple configurations, akin to the simulator feature? At times, I switch between a diagonally drawn simulator for one segment of the video and a vertical one for another.

Expanding on this, another useful feature would be a simulator rotation option with handles located on each corner that rotate the simulator while keeping the aspect ratio. This would look similar to the ‘Transform’ tool in Photoshop that allows you to rotate an image.

Please inform me if these implementations are feasible. I would greatly appreciate their addition!

Are your suggestions related to the OFS Simulator Software?

any way to set all upper points together to a specific value after marking upper poinst only?

In OFS you can move the selected points all up (Shift+Up) until all points reach the max value. Then shift them back to the desired value.

Yes! Apologies, I posted this in the wrong thread. Unfortunately, might as well delete it as I just found out the software is no longer being maintained.

Thanks but you can not set them all to same value? Feature request then for OFS.

Would it be possible to detect center the curves? What happens is if motion is taken over by the other actor or camera shifts a bit a motion from range 5 to 9 gets 1-5 even if the motion is the same. Can there be a button to level this out? Would help to eliminate alot of post processing.

I am working on a lua script to do this. My plan is to calculate the moving average and the absolute deviation from the moving average and use that to equalize the selected points.


That’s awesome thank you, should maybe even be hardcoded in the plugin.

The Ramer-Douglas-Peuker can I set the Epsilon to 45 somewhere? Its always 42 to 45 I set.

And postprocessing is now fullscreen thank you! The installer worked, unpacking (manual) not dunno why.

The Ramer-Douglas-Peuker can I set the Epsilon to 45 somewhere? Its always 42 to 45 I set.

New version v0.5.4 should remember the settings in the post processing menu

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That would be perfect. Other thing: Min/max choice, the frames are not always the right ones. Any chance for a frame choice by slider? At least for max? Min is OK 99% but max can be a camera move or movement of the tracking point. A wrong frame there distorts the curve heavily.

Hi! Is this lua released somewhere? I ve been looking a lot for this! Thanks!


Thank you very much! I ll apply it next time I script for sure