Motion Tracking Funscript Generator v0.5.x

Hey buddy,

Could you give me a little guidance as to how to install this and get it running?
Should it be running natively on OFS or should I need to run a separate app in the background?
I have all the files, extracted everything. I put the LUA file in the right place.

-I don’t know where the Settings.TmpFile is located as there isn’t one on my system.
-I use the shortkeys to launch the generator, but nothing happens.
-getting the following error since I unpacked the .003 Python-funscript-editor

Cannot load nvcuda.dll
Cannot load nvcuda.dll
INFO: Active hardware decoder: no
INFO: MPV (cplayer): (+) Video --vid=1 () (h264 1920x1080 59.939fps)
INFO: MPV (cplayer): (+) Audio --aid=1 (
) (aac 2ch 44100Hz)
INFO: MPV (cplayer): AO: [wasapi] 48000Hz stereo 2ch float
INFO: MPV (cplayer): VO: [libmpv] 1920x1080 yuv420p
ERROR: ! MPV (libmpv_render): after creating texture: OpenGL error INVALID_VALUE.

I would really appreciate any help.


In that case it’s probably best to keep the algorithm the way it is.

I think it would be best not to shift points to the right by default as that will probably hinder accuracy more if it is always applied. I’ve noticed that I can get better accuracy by careful tracking area seleciton anyway and it was very accurate to begin with (timing basically feels perfect 90% of the time at 1x speed).

I wish your name was easier to remember so I could tell more people who built this :smile:

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Could you try to open the Python Funscript Editor as single application by double clicking the funscript-editor.exe. Does this work? Do a GUI show up or do the Programm close?. If a GUI show up try to load a Video in Python Funscript Editor and check with Ctrl + G if the generator work.

Okey I have done this in exactly 3h and 14mins.

I will made a real post later

vizinha-kayla_720p.funscript (195.2 KB)


The name comes from a password generator :rofl:

Don’t know if it will help but I had a problem when starting in OFS when the path to the Python-funscript-editor had space or complexe caracters. Move it to a simpel path resolved the problem. But the @ ecigtaiwan looks not the same.

The issue with timing is that there’s mostly one direction that is faster, and the reason for it being out of sync.

If you can find a way to get closer to when the movement is changing direction it would help a lot I believe. An ez fix could maybe be to delay by 2 frames if the movement isn’t matching the direction from the local max/min?

I think I have most of the install sorted but I can’t figure out getting the generator into OFS.
If possible, please break this down like I don’t know shit about computers.

step 4 in the instructions
4. 1. Open the funscript_generator.lua file and adjust the Settings.FunscriptGenerator and Settings.TmpFile variable.

he has a video posted. If the written is not clear, try that? here:

Fuck i created this script frame by frame. Hadn’t tested it yet so I hadn’t uploaded but I’m glad people will get to experience this scene either way

You need to replace those 2 addresses at the top of the funscript_generator.lua file with addresses of your own.
The Settings.FunscriptGenerator address needs to point to the folder where your funscript generator.exe is.

The Settings.TmpFile can probably point anywhere as long as it’s a real location on your PC, but I pointed it at my PC’s temp file.

The addresses you put there need to be the same format you see - so use double \ instead of / and enclose your addresses with double quotes.

Thats what I thought but I must be doing something wrong. Check the pic, does this look right?

face palm… so simple, use two \ not one

Thanks Ior1yagami :+1:

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It could be a good way to compare the 2 methods. And the time spent on it if you have an idea.

So I finally got it to work and omg, that’s awesome! OFS integration works nicely too.

For some reason I couldn’t put the editor in folders with space in the name. When I moved it to the root of my hard drive it started working as intended.

Yep I had the same problem, it’s windows and his path system

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I created a new release v0.0.4.

In combination with the new lua script it should theoretically also be possible to use spaces in the installation path.


The VR projection function works well. I’m not that good with these type of skills, but do you know if it is possible to render the whole movie in some way before starting to work with the script? That way you can render the scene meanwhile working on the manual parts.

The zoom is very useful! I’ve been scripting up a storm. I now use the OFS integration to create a first draft for all my scripts as a first step. It is absolutely the best way to script.

It’s also perfect for handling parts of scripts that I’ve dreaded working on! I love this thing!

Here are a couple of other suggestions:

  • Similar to your ground strokes feature in the standalone app, it would be great to be able to specify a maximum value for bottom points in settings that will apply in the OFS integration. Otherwise the bottom points end up too high.

  • Is it possible to set the point range slider default as 0-100 once tracking is complete? I’m pretty sure that is the only range anyone will ever use. It’s all I use.

  • Ability to specify level of zoom would be nice

  • Ability to change scaling for videos with width 1920 and below (currently defaults to 1.0 for width 1920 no matter what numbers I put in settings). This would be good because many of us encode videos into much smaller resolutions specifically to work with easier while scripting.

I think the only reason why this isn’t seeing more attention is because of the topic title. If people knew it was an automatic script generator from the title I’m sure this would blow up!

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@Judge Yes you could use the ffmpeg v360 filter to render the video.

Example Input:


ffmpeg -i screenshot.jpg -vf "v360=input=he:in_stereo=sbs:pitch=-40:output=flat:d_fov=90" out.png

The pitch value define where you want to look at.


Simply replace the images in the command with videos and add some extra parameter for the video encoding.

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