Motion Tracking Funscript Generator v0.5.x

Have you always converted videos to 30fps for scripting? I could not tell

I’ve been hesitant to transition to 30fps since i thought there might be some sync issues with frames not being 100% aligned but if thats not an issue it would definitely speed up manual scripting parts.

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There was a time when I used to script at 60fps but not anymore. Doesn’t really affect my scripts in my opinion, we are talking about 16ms shifts.

30 fps is definitely more convieniemt for motion tracking as well as it’s twice as fast in my case.


Awesome, thanks for letting me know that.

When i get around to making full scripts with motion tracking i’ll have to give it a shot!

Pretty awesome Stuff, just had the Time to fiddle a little with this awesome tool! Works absolutely great in OFS, Thank You for all Your Efforts, that’s a great Contribution to the Whole Community!

To start I would like to say thank you for sharing this. I’ve been working on getting it all set-up and ran into one issue I cannot solve. When I begin the funscript, I get the GUI “Do you want to track?”. When I hit yes, the GUI closes and nothing else happens. Shouldn’t there be another GUI that opens up to select an area to tract? I’d appreciate the help :slight_smile:

I had this working fine in ‘flat’ 2D yesterday but today I wanted to try a VR vid. I changed the settings file to the VR projection but now I can’t draw a box for what I want to track in the preview window. Any ideas what I’m doing wrong or how to fix?

Did you confirmed currently selected part of the vr scene by hitting “q”? After that you should be able to draw a box.

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Scripts moved here:

Awesome. You script all the videos or just easy to track parts ? I also have 5 videos scripted with the tool but I wan’t to test it before posting. There will be a lot of script post at the same time :grin:

Feel free to allow me to be your test :joy:

Going to get this setup tonight, maybe on a WSL2 instance.

Is there anyway devs can contribute to the project?

Would it be feasable to introduce deep learning to improve tracking accuracy?
Thinking we already have a tonne of perfect scripts and videos

GOTURN : Deep Learning based Object Tracking | Learn OpenCV


Little tips for those who don’t think to it. When the scene is really close like on the picture :

Sans titre

Try to get a reference on something following the same movement as the woman. Here it’s her novel. But it could be lingerie, boobs if it’s not too bouncing etc. It avoid to loose the tracking or in my case when the girl move really close and the is hidden or if she put her hand on her clit and create false movement.


If you want to contribute to the project and make it better, your help is very welcome. Currently i don’t have project specific contribution instructions. But as long as the code is clean and the function is useful for the project, I will be very willing to merge the pull requests on github.

Before I published my code I already had a look at the goturn tracker. I have evaluate this repository: goturn-pytorch. With the performance I was not satisfied. The tracking results of the pretrained model, on the gifs included in the repository, were worse than the trackers integrated in opencv.

The simplest start for developer would be to experiment with the included tracker in OpenCV. You can simply replace this line and use any tracker included in OpenCV. See OpenCV doc for tracker: there should also be a goturn implementation.


Yes, after the Message Box “Do you want to track the Men?” a other window should open to select the tracking features. Is there any other output in a black terminal window? Do the tracking work in the standalone app?

Starting with version v0.0.6 you have to change the projection: 'vr_he_sbs' in funscript_editor/config/settings.yaml to change the Video type.

Set projection: 'flat' for 2D Videos and projection: 'vr_he_sbs' for VR 3D Side-By-Side Videos.

The default value is set for VR 3D Side-By-Side Videos!

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That’s it! Thanks. I thought I must be missing a step somewhere :slight_smile:

Thank you for the reply. After the message “Do you want to track the Men?”, another window never opens. This appears to happen in both the standalone app and OFS.

Hope someday in the near future this great program will come in a easy install exe file with all the assets and fuctions, cuz i just cant make it work. Tried watching the “how to” video, but the text/font is unreadable so it does not help in any way. (maybe its the screen caption resolution that is doing it)?.

@kavoporn At which step in the instructions do you have problems?

A few ideas what you could check:

  • When you use the standalone app is there any output in the black terminal window?
  • Have you tried different video files?
  • Do you use a special Anti-virus software which blocks the window?
  • Do you have opencv installed on your pc that has been compiled with other parameters?