[MountBatten] A Tale Where Avy Moves and Oniichan Cums ~ Honey Moon Edition | アヴィが動いてお兄さんがイっちゃう物語(蜜月編)

Can these be reuploaded?

This can be related to just a slow disk, it needs to extract the files when it starts so it might take a while if you’re on an HDD.

for the tpacht someone will have a link pls

The mod download does not work as it seem the Mega Account it was on it banned.

That’s messed up. I’ll see if I could find a backup of the mod.

Would be much appreciated

Try this

All the translation links are dead, could someone repost them please?

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This works thank you

Can i get DLC free where ??

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i concur, does somebody have the translation files or a small guide on how to get subtitles? Much appreciated!

edit: also, is this the most recent verison of the mod? ([MountBatten] A Tale Where Avy Moves and Oniichan Cums ~ Honey Moon Edition | アヴィが動いてお兄さんがイっちゃう物語(蜜月編) - #90 by Falafel)

edit 2: nevermind it is thanks a lot¨!!!

The game runs on video files. One way of adding subtitles is to modify these video files to add subtitles over them.

I believe there is also an non-destructive way to do so by overlaying a layer subtitle using the game engine, though I’m not very knowledgeable on that. I believe @ZeroScripts had done that for another game before.

To get the subtitles, whisperAI may be handy in this age.

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Good input. I’ve been messing around with WhisperAi and had quite some trouble setting it up, but I finally managed it. Here’s a step-by-step tutorial on how I did it for anyone interested (windows 11)


using WhisperAI and Miguel Piedrafita’s Converter Thingy

  1. install python (Download Python | Python.org)
  2. right-click somehwere empty in the folder where the videos are (…avy_hm_ver1_12\data\video)
  3. click “Open In Terminal” in the context menu
  4. enter command: pip install git+https://github.com/Irvingouj/auto-subtitle.git
  5. enter command: pip install ffmpeg-python
  6. enter command: pip install numpy<2
  7. you’re done. now, if you want to subtitle a specific video, enter the command: auto_subtitle "C:\path\of\your\vids\[EXACT_VIDEO_FILE_NAME].webm" --task translate --output_dir "c:\path\to\where\u\wanna\save\em"
  8. as you can imagine, this is quite painful since there are a ton of video files. I created a .bat that automatises this process. To recreate it, simple open notepad, paste the following code (first, modify your input directory and output directory within the code) (to save frustration, i quickly copied over all vids to C:\vids and as a output direcotry i set it to C:\vidsConverted, then after the process is done i just move it back to its original folder) save the file somewhere as UltraConverter3000.bat, and launch it. If the program doesn’t launch and just launches a notepad file, you probably have “show file extensions” disabled. fix that (google search)
@echo off
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion

set "input_dir=C:\vids"  REM Replace with your actual input directory
set "output_dir=C:\vidsConverted"  REM Replace with your actual output directory

REM change the below webm to whatever format the vids youre converting have

for %%I in ("%input_dir%\*.webm") do (
    echo Processing: %%~nxI
    auto_subtitle "%%I" --task translate --output_dir "%output_dir%"

echo All videos processed.
  1. this shit takes quite long so go make yourself a coffee

  2. you’re done. There’s one small problem with this method tho. WhisperAi sometimes even subtitles the moans, so the subtitles sometimes are just ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah. Don’t convert these videos in the first place or delete them and replace them with the original.
    Edit: Haha, its not as many as i thought.

  3. If someone has a list of the most important videos that should be converted i would be grateful to have it, i can adjust the .bat to only convert the ones where a lot will be spoken / not only moaned.

  4. The subtitles will be within the video itself, but you can also extract it as an .srt and add it as an overlay like Falafel mentioned

Find a way to mass translate images. Google offers free on-image tranlsation (https://translate.google.com/?sl=auto&tl=en&op=images) I’m currently trying to setup a way to automitize this. if anyone already has some knowledge let me know

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For Tyranoscript games, there’s a dialogue overlay option where you can display text over the game/assets with some control as well.
MountBatten already uses this in the .ks files of his scenarios, so I adjusted the text there.

The advantage of that is that you can implement the dialogue in a way that fits and don’t have to bake it into the video files. Especially since games like Aesop’s Fables use a lot of Live2d elements instead of videos anyway.
It’s also possible to get all the original text from there, which makes translation easier.

That being said, it is also very time-consuming since you have to find all instances where dialogue is shown and replace the text there, with adjustments to timing, line breaks, and font size for each one.
So if all the important dialogue is already in the videos, I would recommend just adding subtitles there for most cases.

I found that manga translation tools, like BallonsTranslator, which also has mask editing options, are very useful for batch translating images.


I just checked out BalloonsTranslator but it does seem very inconsistant. One-word images “usually” work but unfortunately the rest is really undecipherable

I laughed my ass off at UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU :sob:

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Google image translated the buttons. A few of them seem to get overwritten with the original Japanese when the game runs, but most of them stay translated.

Change the file extension to .7z:
image.txt (591.8 KB)

Files go in: avy_hm_ver1_12\data\image\

You’ll only get the translated buttons if you run the game via “tyranoscript.exe”.