MTFG: Unable to select region of interest


I am following the guide here (Python-Funscript-Editor/ at main · michael-mueller-git/Python-Funscript-Editor · GitHub), but I’m having issues with Step 1.

When I start MTFG and click OK on the default settings, a region is already selected. I tried every click and keyboard combination and I can’t get a different region selected (currently it’s a very close up selection of a knee). Everything is working great after that, selecting features, tracking features.

How do I select a better region?


When I start MTFG and click OK on the default settings, a region is already selected.

You should be able to adjust the region by pressing one of the buttons w, a, s, d. If you select the Video Type: 2D you first have to zoom into the video with + and then use w, a, s, d for the navigation. Finally confirm the region with space.

currently it’s a very close up selection of a knee

Is your Video a VR Video or a normal Video? I think the default mode in the Settings menu is VR. For an normal Video select the mode Video Type: 2D Video with Keyboard Menu.

This was exactly the problem. I had a 2D video.Its working as expected with this setting change.

Thank you, much appreciated.

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