Multi Handy Web Player (Update 02/12/2023)

this is a multi handy player, so you can control two handy in sync as one or independent


The application has 2 modes of use:

A script in two Handy, can be used to double the force, like using the two devices with a single attachment like one fleshligt or a dildo. to avoid security cuts as it can handle twice the load. This is possible thanks to the fact that the synchronization is at the millisecond level.
Video Exmple:
Two Handy Same Script

to use it you have to drop a video and a script with exactly the same name.

a different script in each Handy in sync with the same video, can it be used with a dildo and a sleeve, two dildos, two foot or boobs, others…
Video Exmple:
Two Handy Different Script

to use it you have to drop a video and two scripts with the same name but each one has to have .sleeve or .dildo at the end as seen in the following example:


it is mandatory to drop both scripts.

multi device soukou seiki ysphere remix
hentirella anal joi challenge


Any plans to include the Kiiroo Keon?

I’m keen to find something that hooks up to my Mac via web browser!

the player is a single html file, with a couple of lines of code using the handy sdk, if anyone wants to help me to embed some buttplug funscript player on top of it, i’d really appreciate it.
meanwhile I understand that you could also do it with FunMultiPlayer it is in the software section too


hey! try the new link. Download the HTML file from Mega and open in browser


unfortunately with bluetooth not is impossible to synchronize both perfectly, to use them as one.

Something I discovered is that the connection with the handy needs some preheating, so that the 2 handys are well synchronized with the video, I recommend you to play/pause 2 or 3 times, especially if you haven’t touched the controls for several minutes. so they are well synchronized with each other and with the video. You can also refresh the site and re-upload the scripts to both, this makes the handy Sdk recalculate the latency.

did you manage to use my player to use them in sync with each other?

Hi, that works perfect on my notebook. But couln’t you add a file opening dialog? File dropping is not always easy (e. g. smartphone).
Thank you so much!

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Hey Dimnogro

Many thanks for this really good work you have done on this Web Player.
Could you share with us your “woodwork” as we could see in the video to hold two Handys ? I would like to build some stuff like you did but have no idea how to do it :slight_smile:

Thanks !

try this new version, it’s more friendly, it fixes some interface problems

Thanks so much man ! This is a masterpiece :slight_smile:

Is it possible to connect handy via bluetooth? I have some issues with wifi quite often

not yet, but is a next feature i have in mind.

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Any chance for compatibility with device integrated games?

EDI works with multi device. when i have more time in the future i will do an integration with “max the elf” in multi device

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Is there a way I could do the double handy sync on Setaria?

yes, you can change the galery report function in the game to EDI calls, and the gallery definitions system is very similar in both. see Detaild - [Deselmine] Mage Kanade’s Futanari Dungeon Quest! [EDI] proyect

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A script in two Handy , can be used to double the force, like using the two devices with a single attachment like one fleshligt or a dildo. to avoid security cuts as it can handle twice the load. This is possible thanks to the fact that the synchronization is at the millisecond level.

Does this mean the handy can move faster than just one handy alone or does it only just increase the 400g sleeve limit?

just increase the 400g limit to 800g. still have the same 400-500mm speed limit but is more easy reach the max speed due the extra force when you have a heavy attachmen

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Any recommendations for using a single Handy with a dildo? My setup works pretty well but triggers the brake a lot on deeper strokes, especially if the script is slow or stops suddenly.

Get a second handy

Well I have two. But then I’ll need three :joy:

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