Multifunplater (Noob questions) - Restim video/action sych

Noob question(s) incoming!

I’ve just set up MutiFunPlayer, Restim and MPV and although I can now use funscripts and videos to estim I think I’ve done something wrong as the estim (funscript) does not synch with the video actions. Can someone tell me how I can correct this?

Also can anyone explain what the Offset (+ -) functions do and the Scale %?

Many thanks.


They should be pretty self explanatory, offset offsets the whole script by specified time, can used to align script and video, scale scales the script values by specified amount, for example a move from 30% to 70% scaled by 200% is equal to a move from 10% to 90%, note that scaling the script above 100% will cause the script to be clipped a lot when the values go above 100% or below 0%.

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Thanks, that helps.