MultiFunPlayer v1.33.0 - Multi axis funscript player - Now with SLR script streaming

I saw this but I didn’t realize a change to the way updates are sent had anything to do with interpolation. Again, I apologize for my ignorance in this area.

Yeah, but it is what it is. What can you do.
I understand the frustration.

If that’s the case, then fair enough.

I appreciate you taking the time to respond.

Thanks for the update! Yoooi!

Out of curiosity, has anyone else mentioned having problems connecting to the latest OFS?

For some reason the old 1.26 versions connects fine, but for me the newer versions don’t seem to. Wondering if I’m doing something wrong somewhere.

There was no changes to OFS code. Just tested and works perfectly fine.

Must be me. Uninstalled everything then downloaded and reinstalled fresh copies of everything; same results. Thought it must be something buried somewhere in the appdata support folder, or something Revo Uninstaller could not find. But I deleted everything and fresh installed. Still no luck.

What’s weird is the API websocket connects and shows up just fine in both app versions. It’s just that any script loaded in OFS does not show in the MultiFunPlayer 1.27 or higher’s window. 1.26, it connects, shows up and plays in sync fine for me. (shrug) Maybe it’s a Win11 conflict somewhere? No idea.

Maybe I’ll test on a different machine running Win10 and see if there’s a change.

Anyway, thanks as always! Still Love the app! :+1:

I couldn’t get slr to work with the new version. It looked all connected and could navigate the video from mfp, but script was always blank. I tried fresh install and resetting firewall permissions with same result. Going back to 26 works again.

MultiFunPlayer v1.28.4:

Download: Release MultiFunPlayer v1.28.4 · Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer · GitHub
Patreon build:


  • Fix reading TCP messages
  • Fix reading WebSocket messages


  • Fix crash when opening shortcut actions configuration dialog


  • Fix NotSupportedException when connecting UDP or TCP output


  • Fix scripts not loading due to local script repository getting created disabled by default


  • Fix regression from 1.27.0 causing crash on startup if any shortcut bindings are configured
  • Add support for XBVR and Stash as remote script repositories (#104)(#117)
  • Add ability to remember window location (#149)
  • Add support for signed TCode analog input
  • Fix skip to script start when media duration does not change
  • Fix plugin containers getting created for non C# files
  • Fix plugin settings duplicating items in arrays when saving
  • Remove move script to media/library location menu

If you like what I’m doing, please consider supporting me on Patreon


@Nerb @DralaFi should be fixed

:heart_eyes: You are the best! Will try it out. Thanks again. :+1:


OK… this is interesting…

Tested the 1.28.4 and the script shows up now. :+1: Yay!

Playback however… new issue found:
The Axis Value; only moves a total of about 10% of the total distance it should.
Hence, motions/vibrations are only a tiny fraction of the script’s full 0-100 range.

Tested side by side with version 1.26.1 which played full range, perfect sync.
Tried several different scripts; all performed the same.

Used a clean install of everything including latest OFS with no extensions or extras.

Click on sync settings button, next to play/pause, and disable sync on seek.
I will probably change the behavior of that in next version.

Excellent. Playback and sync seem normal. Thanks again! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Added ability to toggle that behavior: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #7188686826

Since in OFS people frequently seek by small amounts and replay a small portion of a script it forces each position change to the internal timer, this is detected as a seek so thats why you need to disable the sync option.
With it disabled if you seek by 0-1s MFP will try to catch up its internal timer to the video position instead of instantly seeking which means the script will be out of sync for few seconds.
Ideally OFS should send different api messages on seek and on normal playback, but the project is archived so it wont happen.

Hello again. Sorry to be a pain in the ass, but a thought occurred to me.

In your previous build that sent the handy just the script keyframes, did this change specifically affect only the “The Handy” output? If so, that may be why there was seemingly no improvement.

I suspect that like myself, others probably use the handy over BT. If the change to send without interpolation did not apply to the output, then that would explain why the jitter persisted.

At the risk of sounding like an entitled prick, if you have time at some point, would it be possible to release a build with no interpolation through

Yes, it was only in The Handy output as a test. It technically should more or less work assuming a stable wifi connection. I did not expect no improvement.

It required bigger changes than the handy code, thats why I didnt implement it.
But I’ll try to hack something together.

Your work is much appreciated.

What is the difference between scale setting and output range limit? The OSR2+ length was too long for me, and some of the scripts were too rough.

Hello. I have the patreon paid version of MFP and I subscribe to SLR. Would it be possible to stream SLR scripts when using Heresphere player to play local files (shared samba folder) which is impossible with DeoVR (it only supports DLNA which is useless as it changes file name).

Scale is just like a script multiplier, if scripts moves are too small you can set it to >100%, if script moves to much you can set it to <100%, it will work as a way to lower the OSR length but you would have to adjust it per script.
Just lower the output range which will set the minimum/maximum position of the OSR.

SLR script streaming will only work with DeoVR, it would be technically possible to make it work with something else. But I know that SLR wont like that because it would allow people to not use their ecosystem. Maybe if they do something dumb like ban MFP then I would implement it.

If you have script streaming subscription why not just use DeoVR and stream the videos?

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Missing the ability to change between fixed/polled update from UI, everything is set as polled update.
Also I just realized that I misspelled “poll” as “pool” everywhere…

Because at certain times I’m limited to locally stored files (on a network storage - capable of running samba, dlna, xbvr through a private local wifi hotspot), such as when staying in hotels. While it’s impossible to stream 6k, 7k or 8k videos on a public hotel wifi, scripts are fine. But SLR only allows 3 script downloads per month so streaming is the only option.
DeoVR would work if Quest headset could mount a samba share and make DeoVR actually think it’s a local folder, not a network share… but I wasn’t able to find any way to do this.

Fantastic. From a few quick tests, it seems like the jitter has been eliminated and the handy appears to be moving one would expect.

I look forward to the (hopefully) eventual inclusion of this functionality in a patreon build.

Your work is a gift to this community.
Many thanks.