MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

What funscript axis-like postfixes can I use for SLR funscript format? (the {axes:{actions:[]}} one)
Hmm, I’m looking at the code and it seems like it looks for <filename>.*funscript
Does that mean I can name a sctipt my-animation.ors2.funsctipt and it’ll match?

Technically any, but it makes sense to only use <video>.funscript

No, you would have to add osr2 to funscript names in device settings in MFP.

Solace is pumping when I stop the video. How do I fix it?

With solace you can only control the speed of oscillation, so you need to set the auto-home target value on L0 to 0%, you can also tweak auto-home delay/duration so it stops faster.

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Pushed v1.31.x to github

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Can you set an ETA on OS v32 so I can add it to the post? Seems like it was 3-4.5 month since first-last patch of the v31 version
Or don’t, whatever you think is better

By the way, did you get an influx of new patrons from Tomin’s Playable Fap Hero Game [1.0] | アリアサキュズム | RJ01212921 ? Considering I’ve got 300 link hits there should be a compareable number of users
Didn’t mean that, consider it a lucky incedent lol

@Yoooi not sure if this is normal but when say video/script is paused, i get slow random movement on my osr2. This is with motion provider off. How to stop the movement so it doesnt move when nothing is playing?

The the only way for an axis to update is via script, motion provider, shortcuts or plugin.
Check if L0 axis value is moving under the “axis values” section. You might have random motion in your firmware.

I have no idea, probably after v1.33.0.

Hard to tell who joined specifically for the plugin but there were a few yes, tho no where near 300.

Solved the problem

Hi. I wanted to ask your advice - I’ve been struggling for a few days now and can’t figure out how to solve the synchronization problem with DeoVR.

  1. In order to receive data you need to make a connection and send a “ping” once a second.
  2. The received json has the current time and I calculate the difference between the system time once a second.
    With some random sequence I catch this behavior (difference between system time and received from DeoVR)

It seems that DeoVR is periodically “late” in sending data and then tries to compensate for the difference for a few more seconds. Have you caught this behavior and how did you solve it in MFP?

The problem was in the forced buffer clearing function of the Wi-Fi controller + additionally put a “running average” filter and I discard very large delays of a third of a second.
Now this happens only when the connection is lost - but this is a question of Wi-Fi environment.

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Hello, what is this EDI plugin? Maybe we could work on better integration.

Since MultiFunPlayer started supporting .cs+.xaml plugins I’ve caught a Not Invented Here bug and rewrote both Setaria Player, Funscript Player and EDI in that

So soon :tm: I gonna have a MFP plugin which is a simple huge C# script which is a server which works with every funscript http api there is. Maybe even the Buttplug idk.

And MultiFunPlayer is a good general purpose player by itself so I don’t have to bother with device, axis limits, keybings, and all the other configs (tho I did try tcode recently and its very simple

I’m also using it for my Tomin Fap Hero mod where I send events in real time based on Live2D state on screen (not using predefined funscripts)


Yes axis value is moving. As can see in this video just recorded:

Not sure if its the firmware, using khrull’s and testing in xtplayer it doesnt have this issue. And it does only happen when a script is loaded. As can see getting movement while video is paused.

Any ideas?

Thats very weird.

I need you to change log level to trace via application settings at the top of the window, restart MFP, connect DeoVR, load script, make it move like that, then change log level back to info, shutdown MFP and DM me the latest log file.

@Yoooi is there a helper function to load multiple files as a multiaxis script?

I cant seem to get this player to connect to any of my players. I can get it to connect to MPV but once connected it doesnt allow me to drop files. Followed instructions for VLC and MPC and no luck there. was trying to have some understanding of this program before my SR1 got here but I’m drawing blanks. would love to just fix the drag and drop problem with mpv as that was the easiest to connect.

Edit: got mpc to connect, would still like to figure out why I cant drop in mpv

ChangeScriptMessage accepts a dictionary of script resources

You would have to post the errors you get when connecting.

As for mpv its a very rare issue reported a few times but I dont know what causes it. Its nothing to do with MFP. Try running MFP or mpv as administrator, maybe you have them in some folder with weird permissions.

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Yeah, I know that, I mean a helper for loading a bunch of files named .twist

i.e. a helper that would immediately get me the ScriptReaderResult with IsMultiAxis:true when it’s file-splitted

Also I guess it should have metadata? I don’t see the duration on ScriptReader

was gonna post the logs for mpc but I got that to work and scripts seem to load except I dont see a heatmap for the twist. havent tested it yet planning on doing that a little later.

I’ll try running the programs on admin and reinstalling in a different drive a and seeing if that does anything. thanks for the quick response.

I dont know what you are trying to do. Even if you get ScriptReaderResult with multiple axes you still have to send them via ChangeScriptMessage, so read them one by one.

MFP does not read funscript metadata. If you want script duration just get last keyframe position.