MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi axis funscript player - Now with SLR script streaming

Just a heads up I am somewhat new to this and somewhat bad with computers. I downloaded this and I really want to use it, but I have no idea of how to play it on my computer. My main problem is that I can’t figure out how to select files. Whenever I click the Script button, all the stuff in the dropdown menu is greyed out. Pls help.

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Yea that’s a bug, seems like it was like that for a very long time just no one reported the issue.
Fixed in this build: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #4265603709

Note that it contains a new buttplug library that is my own implementation that supports buttplug v6.
Hopefully it doesnt have any issues, if you find any please report them.

Probably the sync feature is preventing immediate change.
I added an option to disable sync on auto-home start/end, you can find it by clicking the button next to play/pause button. Changing the sync duration to 0.5s should also work but it will still take 0.5s to home.

If you want to just play scripts without video then add “Internal” media source via the top right plus button and click connect, you can drag drop scripts there and play them.
If you want to sync with videos then easiest to start would be “MPV” output, add it then expand its settings via the arrow button on the right and click “Download MPV” (a new window will pop-up), after it downloads click connect and it will start mpv where you can drag drop videos, scripts will auto load if you named them correctly.

To output the script motion to the device add new output via plus button on bottom right, configure appropriately.
Feel free to ask more questions if you need to.

Hopefully I will someday finish the documentation page…


Thanks, the update fixed both problems perfectly :). Really appreciate how fast you are to respond to feedback like this, keep up the good work.

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It works!
The system32 thingy startled me a little, but both things work!

Wait, what system32 thing?

When I click download, the system32 window popped up and asked some questions, then it downloaded the thingy. It was black with the green letters.

Is there a way to save your settings so you don’t have to set everything up every time you open the application?

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It does save on each exit to a MultiFunPlayer.config.json file in the same folder as the .exe.
You might not have permissions for some reason.
MFP doesnt need to be run as administrator but you could try that.

Thanks for the reply. I determined that the json file was not getting updated because the folder/files the application was in was hidden. When I made them not hidden it was able to update the json file when the application closed.

I have a question.

I usually run MFP with my SR6 and MPV as the video player. Sometimes I also hook up a Quest 2 to my PC and run via DeoVR or Heresphere.

The laptop I am using is low end so some high quality (h.265) VR videos stutter. This doesn’t happen when I am watching them natively on the Quest 2.

Currently, it seems all video playback options with MFP require you to actually play the videos on your PC and stream to the Quest 2. Am I missing a way to connect MFP whilst having videos run natively on the Quest 2? The only fix I seem to have found is to downgrade the videos to h.264 which the laptop seems to handle fine.

Edit: I think I found my answer finally not five minutes after asking here. Husky’s guide on how to play VR videos explains you can sideload Heresphere to the quest and set up a wireless sync connection. I’ll be trying that today.

Yea MFP works fine with quest, just make sure to change the heresphere/deovr settings in MFP to point to your quest IP.

Im sorry if i dig up an old grave, but is MFP compatible with stash? or is it possible to make them both work together, like detecting the player?

Its technically planned: Integration with Stash · Issue #117 · Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer · GitHub
But I dont know if the api allows reading current video path and time.


About the Plex integration:
I have plex running on an Qnap Nas, so i guess the endpoint is the Ip from which plex is running (the nas) right? I also have my token, but the client refresh button is just greyed out / loading for ever. What kind of client do i have to use for it? Am a bit lost here ~

Yes, the IP of the plex server.

I tested it with Plex Media Player and Plex on iOS, apparently Plex for HTPC should work too. Plex for Windows doesnt work.

MFP tries to get clients from http://<ip>:<port>/clients?X-Plex-Token=<token> so you could try accessing that in your browser.
I guess I assumed the server will always be accessible via http on local networks, don’t know if you can force it to https only.

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alright, downloaded Plex HTPC now it works, thanks :slight_smile:

I’m using the 1.24.1 version to be able to connect 2 devices. It connects to interface and I am able to add the 2 devices ,but neither of my device is responding to anything. I’ve attached the error that shows up on Interface.
In fact even with just 1 device the newer version still doesn’t respond and gives the same error.
The stable 1.24 version works fine but as mentioned before you can only connect 1 device.

Yea that was a bug in the buttplug library, thanks for reporting.
Fixed in this build: | Repository Yoooi0/MultiFunPlayer | Run #4447021420

Thanks everything works now

Would it be possible to automate this kind of process? Ive seen you commented on this trick before.