MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi axis funscript player - Now with SLR script streaming

Yea UDP should work fine, I never used it but I dont think everyone is having issues with it. Try pinging the esp32 ip, you might have a lot of interference.
Also I think udp runs on a separate thread in the firmware so maybe the context switches are causing stutter.

No interference, no one nearby, my network is really stable, its not the cause. But sure will ping the esp32 if you like well get get about that. I asked about the stuttering and no one answered I also asked you. I think many just use MFP in this kind of stepping mode and think its normal. Now Burt is susceptible to stutter and bad movement a lot and I just tried polled update and was astonished on how fluid it is. Would be nice if you could dig a little to find out if it is something else over Wifi.

I don’t recall so I must have just missed it.

If you want to provide more info then I would need logs with log level set to trace while using UDP and it is stuttering. Ideally also a video while it is happening so I can see what kind of stuttering you are experiencing.

The UDP sending code is pretty much exact to serial sending code so its most likely caused by something outside MFP. With UDP you cant confirm that data has been sent or how long it took, it might be buffered by windows, network driver etc. which might break the timing required for smooth motion.

Tested and stash repository works correctly with web source.

Will try to provide more maybe others can help who experience a strong difference between polled and fixed. It is not visible just feels stepped and it still is in sync.

Another question. When jumping from video to the next with Heresphere the adapter is guillotining to the setting of the next script. So if the position is 0% and the next video has a line at 100% it will go there at max speed. Can there be a setting to make this slowly or is there a transition setting already I have missed? Of course this is not the fault of MFP but MFP should solve this in my opinion. Can even be dangerous.

I think you are describing what I would call roughness, stuttering for me means bigger/intermittent pauses.
Since its not possible for MFP to chain moves perfectly on some servos you will perceive the tiny pauses between commands as rough movement. Enabling elapsed time offload should help.

Its been a thing for a very long time, you probably disabled it.
Open “sync settings” with the button next to the play/pause button, everything there should be enabled.

Yeah describes it better. Positions are omitted like a stepped calculation of a curve.

I tried that, it does not help. What is the difference between polled and fixed technically?

Everything is on, still there is max speed when switching.


If you have a funcript move over 1 second, with polled update there will be only 1 command sent, with fixed update at 333hz there will be 333 small commands sent.

The default duration is 4 seconds, try that, otherwise I also need you to reproduce this issue with trace log level enabled and send me the logs.
I never had that happen and i always use HereSphere.

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Is there a way to connect an autoblow ai ultra to this?

I have a T-valve, but for some reason it doesn’t work in the test program, either. I just had the whole thing apart replacing the two main servos, and I checked to see if somehow I had plugged the valve servo onto the wrong pin, or one of the power leads slipped out of the Wago connector, but while recalibrating the L and R servos to 50, I played with all of the sliders in Krull’s web interface, and it doesn’t respond.

I’m pretty sure I have
Left D15
Right D13
Pitch D4
Twist D27
Valve D25

I’ve been trying to find a board that I can slip onto the whole ESP-32 dev board to replace the 4 Wago connectors, and leave the default 3 pin connectors on the servo cables, but no luck so far.

If its supported by then yes, otherwise no.

This might be a dumb question. Lately, newer funscripts that I download from SLR have a file extension of .funscript.json versus the standard .funscript. When I load a video and script into MFP the script with the .funscript.json extension doesn’t load and there’s no heatmap. If I rename the file omitting the .json ending everything works fine.

I don’t think that they’re releasing scripts with this extension so that you have to rename each and every one. What am I missing and does renaming the file harm it? Thank you.

You would have to ask on SLR forums, it might just be a bug.

It does no harm, you have to rename them so that MFP can know what files to load.

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Will have to send you trace log level as sync is set to 5 secs and it still goes full speed to 0 or sometimes 100 from the opposite which isn’t really nice.

I have swapped axes so R axes are in line when I disable L1/L2 lol

Finally managed to make multiaxis funscripts working so all my scripts are now .osr2.funscript

@shyx.zzy no u (as you’ve deleted the post you know what problem you had and can write docs on it)

Could someone test my new single-file multi-axis script please?
You will need to add , max to L0 in Settings/Device and maybe restart MFP

(just dl it and tell me if multi-axis work)


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No need to add max, you can just drag it over the File box under axis settings.
Yes it loads all axes correctly.

I mean for the auto-file-matching
I want to replace all my bunches of scripts with simple .max.funscript

And I’ll probably start recommending this as an option for scripters to not require people to dl seven funscript files per vid after I’m finished

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I don’t think its necessary to make a new extension, the scripters could just pack multiple files into the default .funscript file with a note that the other files are not needed when used with player supporting this format.
If people use a player that does not support it and download all files there will be a few KB of duplicated data but its easier than having users configure stuff.
Also I’m assuming .max means multi-axis, then I think just .multi would be more descriptive.

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This discussion reminds me of xkcd: Standards