MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi axis funscript player - Now with SLR script streaming

Yes, issue: About Edi plugin unable to use script set [resolved]
You need to create a folder called Linear under “MultiFunPlayer\Gallery[GlaaeryName]” and put the scripts you need into it.
As shown in the picture:

There are several EDI integrated game mods that do not work with EDI plugins:
Game1 Game2
hope you found this helpful.

I read somewhere that MFP can control power to external devices, but can’t remember where I read it.
Is it true, is there an integration for relay control or power switch control somehow to control things like a dumb on/off vibrator that I can use a funscript with a 0/100 to control on/off while my other funscripts are doing stuff with their connected toy(s)? If it requires Arduino or something to control a relay with serial control or similar and there’s a thread to read, I’ll go there but I couldn’t find anything about it when searching this thread.

There is no dedicated support for something like this but it can be done, you just have to make a custom device/program read the TCode that MFP sends and control a relay with it.
But tbh its way easier to just get some supported bluetooth vibe and use MFP with intiface central.

I had a plan to control an existing 12v device I already have via a relay. I suppose if there isn’t support, I’ll find a different control scheme timed to videos that might already exist. I think there’s a method for xtoys control a relay via Arduino and I know there are Bluetooth power controls via xtoys too. I thought if something was here within MFP already, I’d do that, but it seems the answer is no. I’ll sort it out, although you just gave me the idea that I might just tear open a cheap Bluetooth vibe to drive a relay from its internal output and then I’m not even dealing with programming anything.

Eeeerm multiaxis doesn’t work in OFS source?

It does but you have to name the script with the .pitch.funscript/.twist.funscript/.surge.funscript etc. format.

okay that helped me
I had a bad device settings

Hi Yoooi. I am sorry to ask, but I am running into this error whenever I try to load a plugin. I am using the public version of MFP, I’ve tried 1.30.2 and 1.31.3. Haven’t been able to find this issue posted anywhere else.

The plugin seems to work fine for others. Or should I be using the Patreon version to have access to plugin functionality? Hope you can point me the right direction.


Yes there was a big plugin rework in v1.32.0 so all new plugins will not work with older versions. For now you need the patreon version, but it will be released to public github in the future.

Hi @Yoooi . Unfortunately I run into some issues with your patreon version of MFP. I successfully connected to DEOVR and SLR but my OSR2+ isn’t moving.

I have a SLR subscription with the funscript package. I connected to DEOVR of my Oculus Quest 3 (could that be the issue) and SLR (using my credentials). I don’t use DEOVR on my local computer. My OSR2+ is connected using serial port (as shown in the picture).

I hope you have some hints for me! I don’t know what I am doing wrong…

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Your windows firewall is probably blocking connections from your quest/deovr to MFP.
You need to allow MFP in windows firewall.

I double check the next days but then I think it would not connect at all. I can connect to deovr and also pause the video playback using the pause button in MFP. It looks more like MFP can not download the script…

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MFP can connect to DeoVR, but the script part is DeoVR connecting to MFP, so the other way arround. Incoming connections might be blocked by firewall.

I’m unable to get stash to work. Red underline and just opens the default google


That box does not allow inputting port number. An oversight, I’ll change it.
When the web window opens you can use the input box at the top and hit enter to navigate.

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another small item: fullscreening videos in the web source only makes them fill the window mfp makes, instead of going fullscreen

Re: Web source

  • Just make it a regular input, what’s the point of having a scheme when people gonna copypaste the url anyways
  • Video name cannot be inferred from URL, you need Content-Disposition
  • Change download directory
  • Fix fullscreen very please

My target usage:

  • I have a Pixeldrain album and open it
  • I open the funcscript and hit download
  • I open the video and it should work well with just downloaded funscript in fullscreen

Not sure what you mean. I dont think there will ever be a general automatic script loading for Web window because each page behaves differently. It requires specific script repositories like for FapTap/Stash etc.

I’m assuming it downloads to the windows downloads folder by default?
Don’t know where it should be changed to. Probably \Bin\EBWebView\Downloads or just a Downloads folder in MFP directory.

Hi! I am in the same situation, did you find a way to make it work?

it used to work for me, but not anymore.
I’m in the green, same as in your picture on the pc software, but inside the quest slr/deovr app, it cannot connect to haptics anymore, it stays red (also don’t use bluetooth, funsr1 2.0 via usb for device).
I did almost everything i can think off, including the things Yoooi mentionned, restarted router, updated to newest software, updated deovr app and quest, update firewall excluding multifunplayer, reboot everything etc… lol i am also out of options to try

@ [Yoooi] , if it’s not something minor that changed on your part, maybe it’s from the slr/deovr side. I can’t tell

Last time it worked for me was maybe a week ago with the previous version of multifunplayer,
Would be nice to know if you have knowledge of people in our case, that have succeeded using it these past few days . Thanks!

i also tried to allow MFP through my firewall, but still did not work. same as him, can start/play the player on quest by using mfp, but script could not work on device. Haptics connect is red on deovr
(mfp works fine for me with local player on pc)