MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

One of the handy’s developer said these:
The feature (streaming function - not local) is done on the FW side, some more works on the backend, then a period of testing verification before we can release the new FW4 + API 3.0 + async API system. Alpha release at the end of september, full release in November ish
Do you think this upgrade will solve the problem?
I really like the MFP you have created and I really enjoy using handy with it but after some upgrades the problem I have mentioned appeared. I really don’t want to give up using this fantastic software!

Apologies if this has already been asked and answered. Is it it possible/would it be possible to just play scripts regardless of connection to a media player?

When I’m watching porn I usually set up with my headset and my SR6 in the bedroom away from my PC, but I have MFP on a tablet next to me via Teamviewer for any resets/adjustments needed (streaming files mostly via Heresphere or sometimes DeoVR). I would love to have a folder with a selection of generic scripts that I could use when watching scriptless content, and then switch when needed to sync up with Heresphere. Maybe even via a top line selection alongside Deovr/Heresphere/MPC-HC with a simple button that can perhaps default to a regular folder for simplicity of use.

I realise this could probably be done using Scriptplayer (I’m not sure) but MFP is what I always use (I’m on the Pattreon as well) and I’d prefer it to be nice and simple to switch over to synced scripted material when the time comes. Obviously with The Handy you can just run it and adjust speed/length via the device itself as you go but no such feature with the SR6.

Thanks for your thoughts!

Yes, the “Internal” media source is what you want to use. Add it, and then when you connect you will be able to drag-drop funscript files to create a playlist.

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Fantastic! Thanks man, I’ll give it a go

Has anyone figued out hot to configure OFS as an input?;
OFS won’t let me set the ip and is not supported by MFP.

You need to enable websocket API in OFS and then connect to ws://

Just a friendly reminder we are featuring multi-axis scripts for VR and flat videos now

Get your scripts uploaded

Can’t wait to get OSR2 and SR6 wifi support.

Any update on getting this reworked for mac?


No updates really. Still technically plan to do it someday, tho it will be pretty big task that I dont know is worth the effort given how many linux/mac users would use it.

how about add a banner to show the speed of the script?

Heatmap colors show speed of the script. Don’t see the point of anything additional, unless im misunderstanding.

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How exactly are you using the SR6 remotely from your PC? Doesn’t it require a serial connection over USB? Or am I misunderstanding and the PC is close enough for a USB connection?

ESP32 has wifi. Some firmware like Khrulls take advantage of this. TMAX may release an update to his own firmware with wifi capabilities in the future as well.

Yeah I have a 10m usb cable that reaches into the next room and does the job perfectly. There is firmware that enables remote connection (via wifi if I recall correctly) but I found that made the SR6 extremely jerky, so settled for the compromise.

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Gotcha, I was hoping for wifi, and I was fairly certain Tempest hasn’t released it yet. I may take a look into Khrulls, sanchorg. Thanks guys.

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I went with a 10m cable myself lol


Hi @Yoooi , I was wondering about a possible new feature for MFP?

When I usually use it, I have my quest 2 running Heresphere, MFP controlling my SR6 (which is connected by a very long USB cable to the PC in the next room) and a tablet nearby with TeamViewer showing me MFP on my desktop, with the idea being that I can choose both to switch between Heresphere and DeoVR (rare), reconnect to Heresphere in the event of some glitch (slightly less rare) and turn down the travel of the SR6 for edging purposes (this is huge).
One of the big problems with this is that I find it fiddly to move the sliders via my tablet screen, to the extent that it’s often very disruptive to my session when I try.

My SR6 is currently out of commission and I’m temporarily using my Handy and one huge advantage is the new edging controls in DeoVR and similar controls in Heresphere. So I was thinking it’d be great to be able to just switch browser windows within Heresphere and have access to my PC desktop in the browser, similar to Google remote desktop.

I asked in Heresphere’s discord channel and he told me that there’s no such function right now, but he’s planning to incorporate something similar but it might not be till next year. He did also suggest that maybe someone could also make a web app tool that can control MFP through a web browser. Does this sound like something that makes sense to you? Something you might be interested in making, or possibly someone else?

Thanks for any help!

Since you are using TeamViewer already why not use on screen keyboard and setup some shortcuts in MFP?

Web interface is an interesting idea but not sure how many people would use that. And it would not be a 1:1 copy of the window, it would probably be limited to a simple page that allows you to create shortcuts and run shortcut actions.
But if someone else wants to add it then it can be done via MFP plugins.

Oh right, I didn’t realise there was such a thing. So would it be possible for example to set keys for plus and minus each end of a specific slider? Basically I’m only thinking of the L0 slider anyway. Some method to access my desktop or even directly access MFP within the headset and without fully exiting Heresphere would be the ideal but anything to reduce my clumsy pawing at the screen while trying to get back to a scene would be welcomed.

Yup, nearly all of the settings can be controlled via shortcuts. So you can use a bluetooth keyboard to control everything.
For range sliders there are a bunch of options to set and offset min, max, middle and size.

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