MultiFunPlayer v1.33.1 - Multi-axis funscript player with SLR & FapTap support

Being a SW developer myself I tend to agree. However, since a bugfix already exists, merging it into the free branch should be easy.
I’ll try what you suggested or just use an older version of MFP to see whether that works.

By the way, how does the Polled Update work?
And how many hertz does it generally make?

It only updates on each script action, so it depends on the script. Polled update only supports speed limit and auto home, everything else does not work with it.

Thatnk you, now I understand it even less :sob:
@falafel could you try please

Its used for devices that cant handle a lot of data, so instead of sampling at 100hz+ with Fixed Update and sending small moves, Polled Update only sends longer moves on each script action.
If you are creating a script in real time and adding a new point at 100hz then Polled Update does not make sense to use as it will behave like Fixed Update.

kk i try:
This is fixed update:

This is polled update:

Fixed update is spammy and tells the device to move every tiny interval. Polled update only does it once where there’s a point in the script.

I have no idea why PolledUpdate behaves funny with your mod. It makes everything smoother but shortens the stroke length.

Ahh, does fixed update feel sawtoothlike at times with tempest devices?

Why? You add 10% scale then or so?

Not really? You also get to choose pchip interpolation with FixedUpdate which makes it smooth around the corner, which isn’t available for PolledUpdate.

This is in reference to another topic that you don’t have context of…

K so which is best setting in your opinion for those who dont want to fully get technical?

What funscript axis-like postfixes can I use for SLR funscript format? (the {axes:{actions:[]}} one)
Hmm, I’m looking at the code and it seems like it looks for <filename>.*funscript
Does that mean I can name a sctipt my-animation.ors2.funsctipt and it’ll match?

Technically any, but it makes sense to only use <video>.funscript

No, you would have to add osr2 to funscript names in device settings in MFP.

Solace is pumping when I stop the video. How do I fix it?

With solace you can only control the speed of oscillation, so you need to set the auto-home target value on L0 to 0%, you can also tweak auto-home delay/duration so it stops faster.

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Pushed v1.31.x to github

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Can you set an ETA on OS v32 so I can add it to the post? Seems like it was 3-4.5 month since first-last patch of the v31 version
Or don’t, whatever you think is better

By the way, did you get an influx of new patrons from Tomin’s Playable Fap Hero Game [1.0] | アリアサキュズム | RJ01212921 ? Considering I’ve got 300 link hits there should be a compareable number of users
Didn’t mean that, consider it a lucky incedent lol

@Yoooi not sure if this is normal but when say video/script is paused, i get slow random movement on my osr2. This is with motion provider off. How to stop the movement so it doesnt move when nothing is playing?

The the only way for an axis to update is via script, motion provider, shortcuts or plugin.
Check if L0 axis value is moving under the “axis values” section. You might have random motion in your firmware.

I have no idea, probably after v1.33.0.

Hard to tell who joined specifically for the plugin but there were a few yes, tho no where near 300.

Solved the problem

Hi. I wanted to ask your advice - I’ve been struggling for a few days now and can’t figure out how to solve the synchronization problem with DeoVR.

  1. In order to receive data you need to make a connection and send a “ping” once a second.
  2. The received json has the current time and I calculate the difference between the system time once a second.
    With some random sequence I catch this behavior (difference between system time and received from DeoVR)

It seems that DeoVR is periodically “late” in sending data and then tries to compensate for the difference for a few more seconds. Have you caught this behavior and how did you solve it in MFP?

The problem was in the forced buffer clearing function of the Wi-Fi controller + additionally put a “running average” filter and I discard very large delays of a third of a second.
Now this happens only when the connection is lost - but this is a question of Wi-Fi environment.

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Hello, what is this EDI plugin? Maybe we could work on better integration.