My G90ak Black Ninja edition

Hey all,
So first and foremost, if you are looking to get an OSR2 or maybe upgrading to a usb-c model. Go ahead and get in on G90ak’s monthly drops. They really are works of art.

Top view of my unit. I know what you’re thinking, He doesn’t sell with a twist models! Yea I know I had to reach out to him for a bit of custom work so I could use my existing twist MK4 model. Personally the twist is a must have. The other bells and whistles on the OSR2+ all the way build are not. The t-valve, just plain doesn’t work. If any of you have gotten it to actually physically feel like sucking please tell me how. However, I’m assuming you’d have to disassemble everything, sand it all down perfectly flat, seal all parts of the insulated case, and probably get some other surface glued in there for the actual twist valve to be air tight other wise that’s just a noise maker. Heated case, meh, its alright I guess, till it stops working. The auto lube cap, OK, this one is pretty cool and helps for long sessions with full sized fleshlights. Just as long as it had been wired properly and actually dispenses lube when pressed.

Just some shots of my old unit. It has been painted but you can still see the ehm imperfections in the lids here. This old unit has served me well, don’t get me wrong. I’m a tinkerer and I have upgraded the servos on this old one lots of times. I also bought the plastics kit for the MK4 twist as soon as it was available and assembled that. I also upgraded it to the bearing end arms as soon as those were available too. It has the Hitec’s in it, but those are about done after close to 3 years I think i got out of those. The new one from G90ak features the “quiet” servos. They are indeed quiet and smooth. Every servo screams at top speed, there’s really not much you can do about that. This unit is just plain quieter, mostly because of passive cooling fins for the servos, which look really good as well. So heya all if you were on the fence, just do it, you are going to be pleased. I only have 1 small complaint about my unit, the way the bolt in the mount is attached, it makes it impossible to tighten onto any surface thinner than 1", in my experience, most desks and wood used to make them are 3/4". I just added a wood shim and everything is fine. Thanks again G90ak, this really is a work of art. I would expect this to last a very long time.

Thanks so much for the review!

And just to cover my ass - in the first 2 pictures, the main body, arms, and lids are mine. The twist receiver is not :slight_smile:

And YIKES re: your old unit. I would have NEVER let print quality like that go out the door :face_vomiting: I probably throw away ~10% of my prints due to slight blemishes, let alone huge gaps in the print like that. Glad to know that my effort is noticed!