My Patreon just got suspended... Why are their adult content policies so confusing? [CONTENT WARNING: Discussion of Rape, BDSM, Animated-Bestiality]

Based on what I had heard from other adult content creators, I was becoming more and more aware of how risky it was to use Patreon for adult content. I thought I had more time given my page was under a year old and only made $300/ month but I guess not.

The email I got states:

"Your Public Posts feature(s) material that falls outside the bounds of our Community Guidelines, and your Patreon account has been removed.

Under Patreon’s Glorification of Sexual Violence policy, Patreon has zero tolerance when it comes to works, real or animated, that glorify non-consensual sexual acts such as rape, sexual assault, or coerced consent."

While I do make some animated BDSM or non-con scripts, I never posted any on Patreon because I knew they were against the rules, along with feral furry content or animated bestiality. That being said, I script a lot of compilations with very short clips, so there’s a chance I missed something that could have been interpreted as sexual violence. What even qualifies as sexually violent though? For example, is any use of bondage always considered to be sexually violent? Is it only if the character appears to be struggling? I really wish Patreon would be more clear about where the line is.

Then there’s the inconsistency on the feral furry issue. (Warning, the following links contain animated bestiality content) Feral Frenzy had huge issues with Patreon and ended up abandoning it completely. Meanwhile, Clopician literally makes exclusively feral My Little Pony porn on Patreon, has thousands of subscribers, and seems to have no issues. WTF??? Does anyone have some explanation for this contradiction?

I did send in appeal and asked to at least be notified of what the offending content was, but I don’t have high hopes of even hearing back. Praying for SubscribeStar to get back to me soon…

I’m honestly surprised that anyone is taking a risk at all with Patreon since they started doing shady things and just outright dumb bans because adult content. (One of the first I think was in 2018’s payment providers pushing to ban, which OnlyFans got hit with a bit in 2021) As a result of that plus news just constantly coming forward that they weren’t sustainable after the covid boom resulting in more cuts and feature cutting/paywalling, it’s a dying place to be for adult content.
Only reason why some are up while some are getting banned is because covid brought on so much to moderate that they just haven’t been able to manage and so have a big backlog. That is…unless you get reported…since from what I understand their allowance of fighting false reports is pretty much ban first ask questions/investigate later now from before where you had a short period to change your stuff to be family friendly. So I do doubt that even if you get it back, it’ll last long and hopefully as you said Subscribestar gives you a place…but I would say to also look for another two places on top if possible as well.

Considering the loli/shota reporting/hate that occurred recently I wouldn’t be surprised if this is the furry hate side of that too. Places of safe refuge or just to chill out are always short and this does seem to be one of the worst periods thus far since alternative sites to patreon aren’t great and I think under pressure/attack too. (if not due for it soon)

Internet freedom at it’s best…totally.

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It’s night and day comparing the landing page for SubscribeStar Adult versus Patreon. Seems like a no-brainer.

Yeah from what I can tell everything about it is better than Patreon for adult content creators since it’s geared towards that, except for that they don’t take PayPal. I wish I had just gone with them from the start but apparently they can take FOREVER to approve new pages.

Thing is that people had megas reported that never did lolisho or fur content. Very confusing.

Regulations are getting tougher all the time across the board.
We have to put a lot of effort to comply

I have seen a couple big animators like Hydra or TDD also get their accounts suspended very recently. They all seem to have got it back, though.

Mega’s policy is an anti-copyright one as well as anti those others so even though the mega folder might have been removed due to containing someone else’s material which is often done when making Fap/Cock heros, PMV/HMV and any real life porn. Only way to fight back is to prove that you own the material or had permission to use it.

Also what Mega might see as being loli/shota might not be the same as your view or others since they I believe had it be a lot more firm in that it must look milf otherwise it could be too close for them to not purge since it’s a drop in the bucket for them.

PS this webpage has the following on it where it talks about what’s not okay:

Objectionable (illegal) content –
Child Exploitation Material, Violent Extremism, Bestiality, Zoophilia, Gore, Malware, Hacked/Stolen Data, Passwords

We really need a primer for people to understand the concept of Fair Use. The entire point of copyright was that creators would be protected from people stealing their work for profit - and in return they allow their works to be used fairly by the public for purposes without profit.

Ever notice how cosplay porn sites mention the scene is a “XXX parody”? That’s because parody is one of the very clearly defined cases for fair use. That way Nintendo can’t make them take down a Princess Peach scene for example.

Yeah…parody doesn’t actually fully protect if anyone takes youtube’s view on it since some may remember of how the popular minecraft parody song ‘Revenge’ was forcfully taken down and changed due to the source song artist or management group didn’t like how it got more views than their version. I believe the parody was able to come back after lengthy talks and backlash about it…but not sure, just know that I hated the replacement audio.

Sadly all these companies know that they can push their weight around since the random user won’t go ahead and take the to court and usually won’t have the money to last a lengthy battle so just do whatever they want to keep other companies happy that maybe can fight back. Capitalism working away with that.

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I remember recently they made a very dumb rule about consent having to be very clear and direct in all sex acts, no silence, no nodding, no anything, not even sex scenes or single pictures lacking context of what happened before hand.

So basically if there is no dialogue or communication of any kind before sex consenting to it, they count it as it being agaisnt their policies.

Basically they wanted to get rid of a lot of content creators that way.

Time to consider fanbox or subscribestar (Which i don’t really recommend i’ve never been able to use it.)

Just remembered/had the thought that Discord hasn’t yet been mentioned as a place to be basically linked to from Patreon or other sites as you can currently still link the two together and so have stuff setup that way. Scripts are easy to host on Discord but videos you can’t but can still link to as long as the Discord server itself doesn’t get reported. But through that system I think Patreon can’t actually complain since they are only being a middle man that handle’s the money/membership system and not hosting the content side of stuff.

I’ve no idea how Discord has been in terms of anti-adult content but…I may/may not have knowledge about a few servers/channels that have adult content on them and have been safe although they contain some shady content on them in Patreon/Mega’s eyes.

I can’t remember exactly which topic I read it in, but I’m actually not sure if that’s true either. Shbek at one point discussed how Patreon blocked his page and claimed his use of their platform to manage memberships for content against their rules (despite the content being off of Patreon) was a “loophole” or something. Seems like he still has a Patreon and occasionally does loli content, though, so I’m not sure what he had to change.

Maybe @shbek can elaborate/re-post it here if it’s possible? As I hadn’t heard about that having occurred though I’m not surprised that Patreon got mad although they probably only knew via a report bringing it to their attention.

Elaborate/ re post what?

I just got the notification and don’t really know the context. Like how to fix the Patreon situation?

I was not suspended, they gave me warning to get rid of all the policy violating contents. I had to ask which one specifically. And they pointed out each one of them.

Speaking of which, I gotta check again just to make sure. I didn’t think about the non consensual looking contents. Or maybe I should just remove all the previews just to make sure.

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Apparently Patreon got mad at you for having content on Discord and using them as a middleman to just manage memberships?

Hopefully enough context
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I don’t think that happened. They never mentioned about my Discord being a problem. They didn’t like the loli content previews or schoolgirl uniforms and slender/short female characters that can resemble a minor. That was it.


My apologies. I must have been mistaken about what you had said. Didn’t mean to drag you into this conversation for no reason.

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It’s still good info and so not a waste since it means that Discord is viable (or at least unknown to Patreon) if Patreon let you back on if you remove all content off there and just do maybe description/talking/update posts on it while having the discord linked to it. Just need to not include any previews that aren’t beyond safe not adult content. I know of a creator that just puts RL updates which in a way keeps their patreons informed of how fast or slow progress is going on their game development.