MyLittleBastard Funscript Player 1.0.6 (DEMO)

I can connect The Handy via desktop or central to MLB.

I can connect my Lovense via desktop or central to scriptplayer.

I usually connect The Handy to handyfeeling or alt local video player.

Be great if I could add both to one player - choose to either play one script controlling both or two scripts controlling both. An implementation to then use spacebar, for example, to stop both so I can chill, relax, then get back into the action, for me, would be the gamechanger!

When this PC goes kaput then I might get Windows 10 - whatever, till then I’m on 8.1.

Thanks for replying, your MLB looks great and will work for some out there.

When the vibe part is implemented into MLB - then it will do all that I need it to do.

:+1: :+1: :heart_eyes:

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Seem nice.
I will check this out, see how it’s work and think of how I can implement that but I don’t know when I will add this feature.

Follow mo on twitter to know when it will come out :wink:

Hey, I relase the revision 1.0.2 of MyLittleBastard :upside_down_face: :

What new in 1.0.2

  • Movable windows
  • Local server (Funscrip uploading)
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Not sure how involved it would be but could opening a file automatically upload to the handy and start playback? Also if possible could the preview images be scrapped from say 10 seconds into the video to skip over intros banners?

Hi Quest,

You can’t make the script automatically upload at start playback but it’s a good idea.
I add it in my list and it will be in the next DEMO release :upside_down_face:

For the preview image (Thumbnail), you can press F12 to change the preview. It will take the image at the current video position. The position where to take the thumbnail are save in MediasList.txt in case of my program has to remake the image. (Left Ctrl + U to open the UserData directory)

You can also use the button on the control panel :

… and, I tink it is a good idea to add the default position where to take thumbnail. I will add it in the settings + a button to Redo all thumbnail :grinning:

Hi everyone,
Want you help me to made my program.
For you, what is :

Most media players keep the aspect ratio of the media and then resize media based on the size of the window. They also have a quick and easy way to toggle fullscreen. Is there any way to do this or add it to the program? It was a bit frustrating to have the program start in fullscreen and seemingly unable to get out of fullscreen at first.

Hi PornCzar,

You can use ALT+Enter to toggle fullscreen. And you have a setting in the General section.

For the ratio, it’s in my todo list.

I added Aspec ratio and default thumbnail time. (1.0.3 → not release yet :wink: )

I just try my new HeatMap functionnality.
But how could I have gone without it all this time?
Will be in my next release :slight_smile:

I find out that set any Explorer to ListView causes my program to freeze.
I have already solved this problem and I will publish a new version tomorrow.
Sorry for the inconvenience.

See my new release with that annoying bug solved. (1.0.4)

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My heatmaps just appear as white blank boxes in the media browser is there a way to force the heatmaps to generate? Also thank you for adding the optional thumbnail capture time, but it seems to have some kind of glitch it can only run through a certain number of videos without locking up when the time is set other than default. It doesn’t appear to stop on a particular video as I can remove the video that it stops at and it will try to redo all of the thumbnails when it restarts but stop on another.

The Heatmap are generated internaly each time you open a directory so you can’t regenerate them.
I will push a new release to solve that.
I will also solve the Thumbnail generation bug. It’s because I use a separate FFMpeg program to extract images. But I also use a internal FFmpeg package to generate Heatmap. I just replace the external program by the internal one.

MyLittleBastard 1.0.5 is now ready.
I publish it on my Patreon. (I give 48 in advance for my pareon)
So I will publish it here 2023-08-18 at same hour :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems that the changes to thumbnail generation may have broken generation in 1.0.5. I have tried letting it generate as default settings and custom offsets and it just sits at 0% complete and doesn’t generate any thumbnails.

Hi Quest,

I watched my code and I don’t find why my program would stop at 0% except the new addin I use.

Let we try some stuff to solve the problem.
1- Close the program, delete all data in this two directory :
…\My Little Bastard Funscript Player_Data\StreamingAssets\Thumbnails
…\My Little Bastard Funscript Player_Data\StreamingAssets\UserData
then reopen the program

2- If it’s not working, it’s maybe the addin don’t like one of your video name, a video format or the path.
Send me MediasList.txt locaded in UserData directory and I will try to find the problem.

I tried as suggested and I even tried a fresh install in a different local folder with a single video and script in its default directory and it didn’t generate a thumbnail or heatmap either. I sent along the medialist from the normal folder I have it accessing to you as a PM thanks for the help. In the previous build it would generate thumbnails with the default time setting for the same directory.

I don’t see anithing that let me find the problem.
The local folder where you do the fresh install is on a network? Maybe FFMpeg or my program are not compatible with it. If yes, try another fresh install on a hard disk like HDD or SSD.

If not working, try the release I send you and do this :
1- Do a fresh install on c:\MyLittleBastard
2- Open to programme and set the logging option in Debug section.
3- Close the programme and delete all files in
…\My Little Bastard Funscript Player_Data\StreamingAssets\Thumbnails
…\My Little Bastard Funscript Player_Data\StreamingAssets\UserData
4- Open the programe. Then send my the Log.txt in …\UserData
It will let me know where the program freeze.

Yes it was a local SSD not on the network for my extra trouble shooting yesterday I have done as requested and sent you the files. It doesn’t actually freeze it just appears the ffmpeg isn’t performing any extraction based on lack of GPU and CPU load and sits there at 0% it will still play a video as normal. For sake of ruling out the system I also tried the same on a different system with Intel N95 vs the normal 13700k and RTX 4080 with same results.