.Hello. I’m scripting a cock hero type video in OFS and need your help.
It’s 5 rounds and has changing songs that variate in tempo: 112 bpm, 122, 132, 140, ant 155. I used VirtualDJ and a BPM clicking app to analyze that.
The video is 29.97 fps.
I’m doing simple up and down strokes for every beat.
But this time it doesn’t have a visual beat indicator that I can refer to.
Only text prompts like “123-123”, “1234567”, “doubletime” etc.
I try to match the first 4, 8 or even 16 beats on the down stroke position, then copy and paste to fill the segment, but after a few beats I notice that the stroke goes out of sync with the beat. I have to select it, move it backwards or forwards, paste again, select, re-align once again. It’s driving me nuts
I ended up just playing the video and manually putting the downwards stroke position to every kick of the beat, then going back, and placing upwards strokes. Again - every single beat manually. It seems like such a chore and after seeing all of your guys perfectly synced works there must be a better way to do it, right?
I tried to study and analyze all of the PMVs, cock hero’s and other rhythm based videos that I have and I just can’t figure it out.
I successfully installed python dancer, and fed the video to it to get a funscript. It matches two songs out of five and I can further readjust those to my vision. In other three songs it’s very all over the place, with I dunno, maybe various moans taking priority over the beat? I think it’s getting fumbled by the variating BPM in the whole video.
What I noticed from other creators works is that the stroke points don’t match the framerate of the video. For example I’m studying the script for a 30fps video, use arrow keys to get to a stroke point, and I can’t get my position indicator to match with it. I have to force the framerate in OSR to 60 so that I can align it. Is that the trick? How do I use it then?
I spent the entire day, 6 hours on just one of five rounds (4 minutes runtime) … While I read that others can script a 1.5 hrs cock-hero in a matter of two days.
Any advice is appreciated.
I dunno if this helps. I script EVERYTHING frame by frame. Beat based, which is what it sounds you’re doing, I can copy and paste but I still pretty much go frame by frame to ensure any down beats are matched with a point laid out. So it syncs. It does take along time but I feel the results are as perfect as I can make them.
Thank you for the answer. Yeah, that’s what I’ve been doing so far.
And knowing your videos yes the result is perfect indeed.
Still interested if anyone has any software based beat and stroke matching solution?
Anyone have any advice? @ckhero , @shbek how do you do it? Script stroke points to BPM perfectly? Is it all by hand?
I’m also still dabbling around to get to know what exists out there and getting the hang of it, so just offering my 2 cents:
Does the video have audible beat indicators? If yes, using Audacity to filter them and then FunscriptGenerator (see this thread on Milovana) to generate a first draft of a funscript to then edit in OFS is something I’ve done. It’s not perfect, but I want to edit the script anyways, so usually errors are caught.
Generally for beats to actually match up to a song, the BPM has to be very precise. I’m talking 10+ digits for a 5 minute song. I then proceed to use alot of ‘Equalize’ and ‘Move to current position’ in the ‘Tempo’ view. Something for which I’m thinking of writing a lua-script at some point, since I want to learn how those work anyways. Talking about lua scripts/extensions: Kingleon9’s script collection has some neat features like ‘Multiply’ and ‘Equalize’ that help speed things up.
Concerning the precision (altering framerate comment): One might question whether this precision is necessary, since it usually can’t be felt. But I for one a) can’t stand things getting out of sync and b) further process the beats through sloping and other processes which turn out pretty erratic, if the beats aren’t aligned properly. Since I use the ‘Tempo’ view in OFS and align all beats to it, they are naturally precisely aligned to the music.
This is the easiest way to make a perfectly synced Fap Hero script.
- Find the BPM of the song,
- X10 (1280 if it’s 128BPM)
- 4th measures
I use this site to find the BPM when the video doesn’t tell what the song is.
+I also use this technique on HMV’s a lot too. (Some actions are already synced well. So it becomes a good indicator.)
Thank you so much for your input @randomus and @shbek
I wish I could mark both of your answers as a solution
Time to go play both with randomus’ linked tools and fiddle manually how shbek suggested in other parts. I can’t wait to get this video finished and make more.
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