Need Help with Audio Issues in Heresphere & DeoVR


Sorry for the length - please bear with me. :slightly_smiling_face:
I have quite a few VR movies in which I have added an e-stim track to the L/R rear channels. I did this to use converted Funscript files in Virtual Desktop and VLC with my e-stim box prior to ownership of the Handy.

Now that I have the Handy it has become my preferred device for ‘entertainment’ so I have started using Heresphere and DeoVR together with XBVR to play all my local videos in sync with their corresponding Funscript.

Here is the issue I have and have not been able to solve - of course it only occurs with videos that have the e-stim track embedded in the rear L/R channels:

Each scenario is launched via Steam.

  1. Launching Virtual Desktop from within Steam I can play all videos with VD and VLC and have the R/L audio only go to either my earphones or headset. Of course in this configuration I do not have Funscript ability.

  2. When launching either Heresphere or DEOVR from within Steam I am unable to prevent the audio from being mixed such that the rear L/R e-stim tracks get mixed with the video audio in the front R/L channels. This happens in both the headset and earphones.

Does anyone know of a setting or something within Steam/Heresphere or DeoVr that can prevent audio mixing?

I don;t belive that this is controlled from the audio setting on my PC as like I stated in #1 above everything works as I would expect when running VD and VLC from within Steam but the audio always gets mixed with in Herespere and DeoVR.

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I hat the idea of removing the e-stim track from 100’s and 100’s of videos -or- carrying around duplicate files - one with e-stim and another w/o . . . . .

Thank you!