New interactive device from Autoblow

Never buying anything from them again…

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The problem with its old design is that most of its power is just wasted (probably a big reason why heat was such an issue).

Instead of having good up/down movements, it stretched the sleeve, which means that only the tip of the cock gets decent motion, and the rest barely anything at all. Adding to that, the stretching of material generates heat at a place it cant vent it away. This new design seems to resolve that by using a container that it moves entirely.

Heat was also a problem as the container is closed and didnt have any decent method of venting heat. It had 1 hole which means airflow in the device was garbage. Looking at the images though… I dont see any improvements here.

The sleeve removal and placing also was anoying. And i suspect that the case again helps here by having an easier to use connection.

And then the AI part… Its just a standard set of patterns randomized. With a few configs to limit the used patterns. Now with proper syncing, while it isnt AI (tbf, without any camera AI wont work anyway as it lacks getting feedback), it at least is an improvement in capabilities.
And another question here is: how closed source is the scripting part here? Unless its fully open, its an absolute no go as once the scripts are offline, the device lost a major feature.

It was very underwhelming in the first version. And while i do see improvements, the first version made me too aware of their own lack of proper testing, and just showed most money went to marketing (which sadly worked at that time).

Even now i dont think the device will beat the handy in performance, but at least i see the main problems resolved. Even if it got close to the handy, their reputation wont make me go for it.


What is the best way to make funscripts (what tool, etc) for the new autoblow AI Ultra for Local videos?

like for other devices, I use OFS

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Hey there. Just ordered the ai ultra and I’m just learning about funscripts. I’m wondering if all the scripts on this site made with other devices in mind should work fine with the AI ultra or not.

Most of the scripts here are written taking into account the capabilities of The Handy. autoblow has similar technical characteristics, so you can use any script from this site locally.
Any of my scripts will work perfectly with autoblow

What is the max stroke length on the Autoblow vs Keon/Launch?

Looks like the most promising Autoblow yet, whether it will persuade me to buy on given there history is another thing…but looks good

Thanks for the response. One more question. Have you attempted using other non autoblow sleeves with it? I’m curious if some of the other brands would be compatible

Autoblow stroke length approximately 3.3 inches

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The Autoblow sleeves are a little smaller than the Fleshlight, but I can use it with them, like the Turbo Thrust

I’ve been using the Ultra for a little while now, I was sent a test model also. For me, the biggest thing was finding a sleeve that’s soft enough and wide enough to not pinch your dick along the side if you pop out. Fleshlight sleeves fit, but are too tight to really be enjoyable in my opinion. But I’ll tell you what I found that I like. It’s the Tomax Lilith Spiral Wave, very soft or rich soft. It’s a bit too small for the Autoblow Ultra, but I added some width at the bottom to hold it in place. Game changer. I hope Autoblow puts some time into making really good sleeves for the Ultra, at least giving the options for a really soft material. It’s also handled the top speed of anything I’ve tried easily and I personally love how well it does super slow strokes. To anyone reading this, I highly recommend the Autoblow Ultra, with a little customization it’ll give you the best playtime you’ve had.

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Pretty happy with mine too although I still have the stock sleeve. The only thing it’s lacking is the ability to use it with sites like faptap instead of having to use their library of sync videos or download your own. Hopefully that will change soon.

I don’t know if Faptap is working on compatibility, but I know Autoblow opened their api a couple weeks ago for devs to start the integration. SLR is confirmed to be working on compatibility, the autoblow ceo said so on Reddit.

Threw together a quick and dirty playground for the Autoblow ULTRA API

Anyone wanna collab to make something out of this?

Any news about game Sync?

The Autoblow play local files wouldn’t work on my Quest 3 so I looked for solutions. Many of the standard approaches are not supporting the Ultra. I understand HereSphere (the best VR player IMHO) is working on it. And its hard to go back to 2D porn after good VR.

In the meantime I have developed a nodejs based web server that will serve as a bridge between a device and HereSphere on you headset.

I thought I’d share as others may find it useful. It can be found at GitHub - Occam59/abhs: Autoblow Ultra Heresphere Connector.

HereSphere Autoblow Funscript Server

A web server to play and control funscripts on an Autoblow AI Ultra from HereSphere playing local files through the HereSphere timestamp server. Allows you to connect to your device and HereSpere; set offsets and monitor what’s happening.

Will work with XBVR and SMB or local files. Because the HereSphere timestamp server only gives filenames, funscript locations must be provided in the config file unless XBVR is being used.

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Hey can I ask you something? Can you devalope something that work similar to buttplug? for autoblow AI ultra?

Why not just write a buttplug server for the Autoblow AI Ultra if it’s buttplug you want.

The I wrote was a temporary fix to integrate HereSphere with the Ultra which was superceded by HereSphere supporting it natively.

I wish to know :frowning: