New release - Sextropolis Episode 2 - Thief. - A live action PMV game

I dont know if it will help @ThatOneGuy4

you might be able to launch the game and then hit:
Alt + Enter keys together while in the game, or by pressing Ctrl + F. and it should pop the game from Fullscreen to windowed mode. Allowing you potentially to be able to resize to your screen size.

I tried for my issue but no joy.

More awesomeness. Big thanks!

I posted a new update today.
New version 1.6

The big improvement is a new battle UI. The videos are now full screen. I hope it feels more immersive.

Right click or press spacebar to skip a PMV if you have already unlocked it. This should make replaying the game to unlock the bonus PMVs less repetitive.

Fixed an issue with Feel the Fire PMV script. I think having a period in the old file name messed something up.

Changed the canvas options to match height instead of width. This should help those with screen ratios wider then 16:9. This issue was brought up by @isaacclarke80 and might be the issue that @ThatOneGuy4 had as well.

Hope you all enjoy it.


Hey @BitterSwee,

I canā€™t remember if I mentioned, but I finally did that pc upgrade and picked up a 4070super. So all is great on playing these games now :slight_smile: was certainly the graphics card causing me the issue (as OS, codecs etc are unchanged)

anyway I donā€™t know if this has been mentioned but the extra bonus scene (when you have completed all other videos) pauses at this point. I tried a reinstall and even tried on the laptop that never had issue, seems to have occurred for some reason in version 1.6.

p.s the spacebar idea is epic on the replay to finally unlock all :slight_smile:

Nice catch. I was able to fix that and should have an updated version posted in the next few days.

Iā€™ve been busy working on Episode 3. Iā€™ve created several more games to play beside the battles, including a game that can only be played with the feedback from the handy/device. Pretty sure thatā€™s a first for any interactive game.

Iā€™m coming up on a good milestone and might be able to release a demo in a few weeks depending on how it comes together. Still would need a lot of time to complete though. Lots of assets like video clips to cut up and sequences to script.


Update 4/20/2024 Version 1.8

Link is in the main post.

This update took longer to do then I thoughtā€™ but it turned out there was more to fix then I thought.

First I fixed the issue @MaoMao brought to my attention where the last bonus video would freeze at the end. Not sure how I missed that one.

Second I fixed an issue where the 2nd bonus script did not play. Another script with a period in the filename. Hard to notice when skimming through since it just keeps playing the previous script.

Third is actually big. I changed the video mode of the game canvas so that it will always fit into your monitor. The default in Unity is to match the width. I had some complaints that elements were cut off in monitors wider than a 16:9 ratio so I changed it to match height. However, I launched the game on a mini laptop I have with an odd aspect ratio and the sides got cut off. This led me to hopefully the final fix that keeps the game screen at 16:9 despite having a monitor with a different aspect ratio.

Awesome work @BitterSwee will get the download runningā€¦seems I have been called for another trip to Sextropolis :slight_smile:

Just to confirm, Re-test with v1.8 is all working fine for me :slight_smile: tried that problem bonus scene and the extra scenes and all work ok.

Only thing I need to figure out is how to get EDI to work with nordvpn. Added under splittunnel but unless i disable nord it cant find myhandy.

anyway awesome work and thanks for fixing, waiting excitedly for future releases :slight_smile: if you need a tester you know where to find me :smiley: (likely in sextropolis)

Just trying to confirm or not that this will work with the SR6? I have tried to to do it once, but before I chase my tail wanted to check and see. (Does it need to be wired, or can it be wireless)

This uses EDI to connect to the device.

Check out the post and download EDI from there to see if it works with the SR6.
EDI has some samples included for testing.
I think it works with initface and buttplug so there probably is a way to connect it.

Thanks, I will try to look at it. Hope it has good documentation, for us technology unsavvy old folk.

I hope this comment doesnā€™t come across the wrong way. I know you put a lot of effort into making this game and it seems like a lot of people really enjoy it. Thank you for sharing with the community.

I am not very interested in a videogame interface, but Iā€™m really interested in the PMVs you used for the game. Is there any way youā€™d be willing to share a list of the PMVs you used (ideally the funscripts too if you have them or links if they are already listed in the community).

I know this may be contrary to your goal with the game, so no worries if you donā€™t want to, just thought Iā€™d ask. Thanks again!

All of my PMVs with funscripts are on FapTap.

You can download the script from there as well as go to the source video if you want to download them.
Have fun.

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thanks! i appreciate it