New Script or User Category Suggestion: Community/Scripts

Hmm ok. That kinda sucks

If trading someone else’s scripts is already an issue when scripts are only advertised as “paid” then I don’t think it would be more of an issue if it is a community driven group; I think it’d be the opposite as everyone would/should be vetted at some point, understanding that the qualifications for access have not yet been decided - the more restrictive the lower member pool and higher trust. Everyone would hopefully at some level know of each others scripts/portfolios to bring awareness to someone trading scripts that are not theirs.

It would also eliminate the need to trade/sell scripts if we’re all pooled for mutual gain anyway.

Sure someone could rip the scripts and throw them up anywhere, but if everyone is a creator and knows the effort it takes to create a longer realistic script as well as potentially loosing any future access to said group I am not sure they’d risk it.

Now as somebody who sells paid scripts is your primary motivation money? And that’s the case is it really lucrative enough to buy anything besides other scripts? And if it is would pooling it entice you to be able to access scripts that would otherwise not be accessible? Say for instance the script you DM’d me about which I have not decided how I am going to release as of yet

The more people bring concerns of this nature the more I am tempted to just make something in the style of a scripters-guild that would be tighter in security and more restrictive to access. Outside of EroScripts. I’m just trying to consider those that script high quality scripts for free

I agree with those two requirements being too high and I also don’t understand them being that high nor existing as if it’s meant to be for an user to be active then the first requirement of 50% days active satisfies that.

Beginning rambling

At the caps of those requirements (presuming they are at the default) you need to look at 125 new topics and 5k new posts made in the last 100 days, I recall that when Twitter/X put caps on people viewing it was and is widely disliked and too small, however people have very little to read and just need to scroll with many not stopping until they see a video or something that catches their eye. So when someone like myself is storing up notifications of new topics to then look through when I have time to organize and then further investigate the topics/scripts they never will reach level 3 since it’s a small burst of activity with long periods of very little but checking in activity on things that catch their eye. (like this topic and one and two others) As we are already short on time and want to look through the topics for what takes our eyes and reply if we have time, it’s barely possible to reach those caps unless we go ahead with the Twitter/X approach.
The like’s requirement is also a bit of an pain too since a lot of people don’t hit like or forget to come back to do so as I’ve put out a few updates to a mod and not a since one despite the links associated with the post getting the same views (15)/download resulted in me getting more likes than the first post (3). In part I know this is because I don’t like to post unless I have something I feel contributes in an progressive way to the topic and so sleep or just read and move on after liking a few posts if I can afford to spend the time reading through to catch up.

Rambling inner bits

I don’t know how this is for script makers but I can’t imagine them having an easier time for those requirements especially those who are making lengthy scripts that take weeks, even more so if paid scripts that get looked at less I believe. So they put out less messages to be liked on and have less time to look at topics and posts that aren’t on their own stuff. I went to profiles of 3 people I’ve seen fairly active or well known and only one has level 3 I believe, if I include myself I have around 1/4 in most stats except in some areas where I rarely beat the stats of some but do come more than halfway close to some of their stats.

Someone can of course just speedily do the topics and posts but the likes can be hard to earn if not aiming for them. I’d also like to say that I only see people wanting to be level 3 currently for the wiki ability you get alongside the secure category which only those who know, know the value of it (I do not) and so the appeal/draw for it isn’t that much as the other abilities from my view are more towards being an mini-mod. (level 4 being mod but only given instead of automatically earned) You do want those who should be trust-able or know the site well enough to be able to earn mini-mod power instead of an rando that see mod power and wants some fun.

I’ve said quite a bit that seems off-topic but I’m just trying to emphasize that I do believe the requirements are too high for level 3 as Falafel for specific people although they are very active a various points. Also that no one knows the real value of level 3 (or at least I don’t) of the two features that aren’t mini-mod powers. Maybe having level 3 be an opt in would be good and keep the requirements maybe the same while having an alternate level 3 (or 2.5) that gives just the wiki and secure category access with much less requirements could be suitable here if the secure category has (or could have) a section for exclusive scripts for those members. No idea how possible it is though.

@hugecat can the requirements of Trust Level 3 be tweaked or is it hardcoded by Discourse?

Looks like it was edited prior

We don’t have complete control over what the trust levels can do, but it’s definitely quite flexible in what we can do with it.

As to the requirements, I fully agree that the requirements are too strict - I’ve changed the topic/post view percentages from 25% to 5%.
25% was reasonable like 18 months ago when the forum was smaller. I don’t think it should be zero since people should still need to be active to maintain TL3.

@Falafel where did you find that list - I just want to make sure I update it to reflect the change I made

That said, in a way the TL3 requirements are kind of irrelevant to the main point of this topic - trust levels exist mainly so that community members can assist with site moderation.
While the overlap between script creators and trustworthy community members is quite large, it’s definitely not 100% :joy:

Perhaps another trust level that doesn’t have any extra authority other than the ability to view the lounge? I also think that just having a scripter discord server is also a possible solution :thinking:

Just wanted to chime in real quick regarding the TL3 requirements, I’m reading the rest of the thread dw!


This idea seems very gatekeepey.
Correct me if I’m wrong but it sounds like you want to share scripts only between people who create scripts. I love this place and like to engage with the community and am also willing to pay for scripts if they’re good enough, but I have a full time job and many other hobbies, I simply don’t have the free time to make scripts as much as I’d be willing to. Seems kinda unfair to exclude people for that reason

Again, maybe I’m just misunderstanding what this is asking for.


Oh I thought it was on ES, nothing I can do about that :joy:

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Can make a topic about user groups on ES as well.

A little bit off-topic, but it would solve some of the problems coming up in this discussion.

I would love to see a online plattform for stuff like this.

Everything is based on a credit system. You can get credits from other users (CREATORS) and if you pay for them with RL Money. Credits from CREATORS are CREATOR related, so with this credits you can only “purchase” from this CREATOR. The paid credits are general credits. You can use it on every CREATOR. This CREATOR will receive those general credits and can change them into RL Money if he wants to or “pay” other CREATOR with it.

As an option for the plattform:

To avoid piracy, the creator can define that everything is stream-only. No script can be downloaded in this case.

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Well yea, the whole point is gatekeeping; But it’s not really intended for the sole reason of excluding people who don’t have time to contribute in non-monetary ways.

  1. Give returns to people who contribute their time and effort to the community at no-cost
  2. Incentivize and/or give people an option to contribute their time OR money to the community

It is no more a restriction than putting my scripts behind a paywall so that I can simply purchase other scripts; And it doesn’t reach the qualification of unfair because it’s not unfair to restrict your access to something I’ve created. My intent is the opposite of that because I want to share my scripts with those who contribute to the site in anyway they can. The whole reason I made this OP is so that I can avoid restricting my scripts to the largest possible audience while still being able to get access to other paid scripts without shelling out a few dollars - that means I think the hours I spend scripting is worth the amount people charge for scripts. If we can come to an agreement I get access to those scripts through the labor to the community and you could still pay for them if you don’t have time. Which is also valuable and I respect that.

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AFAIK Stream only scripts are still able to be ripped if someone knows what they’re doing. I would avoid that path

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the scripts i do are more smaller video’s and they don’t sell that often so i could maybe buy myself a 4pack monster at the end of the month considering Gumroad takes a whole lot of your earnings and giving you for instant maybe 1.5€ for a script you sell for 2.5€
so at the end of the month if 6 people buy a 2.5€ script i can buy 5 Monster energy’s but gumroad only does a payout if your balance is higher than 15$ so i need to sell 11 to 12 scripts to get paid .
if trading would be optional i would also offer my paid scripts for a trade.
i just don’t script on demand because if i do so they either comment my work or either say i’m too expensive (asking 0.50€/scripted minute).

There’s a few issues with that like how do you make it so the the credit system is fair e.g 5 min script = 5 credits, 15min = 30. Economics is hard to do and someone will hate the result somewhere and there’s then the possibility of the credit processors finding out and shutting down all transfers.

So while I can see this happening but I believe it needs to be well throughout carefully and have an someone who’s done some course in economics to look it over and someone else to make sure it’s legal and not going to also get shut down by payment processors saying nope. Very much a long term project I feel.

PS I agree also with @GoonerScriptz about streaming as unless it’s an one time randomizing link or various other protections it won’t work…but then we’re heading towards the gaming argument about DRM and should you always need to be online to use content that is usable offline, which is a big whole other topic as is this.

To be fair it will be hard to get a fair credit system, time isn’t always a reliable measurement of how much effort went into the script, especially when it comes to stuff like PMVs. I can put way more effort and time into a 4 minute PMV than a 10-15minute normal video, and I have done that already. In my opinion the credits could be based on “rating” of a script - there could be a rating system (lets say 1-10), 1 star is 1 credit, 10 stars is 10 credits - just a rough idea but imo better than just basing on the length of the video.

So my perspective is all coming from one of scanlating/translating doujins. Personally I don’t think that paying per script is a good model and that if you want a bit of kickback commissions work far better, and are less messy, but either way it’s never going to make you a whole lot of money.

This sounds like you just want free scripts and are trying to justify it in any way possible. This kind of system would be insane to any other community, it’s just way too convoluted.
Imagine translation works costing per volume, then someone wants a bunch of those for free because they thinks they’ve put in enough hard work towards the community, then other people also want that benefit, so they dump out a bunch of garbage quick translations, then you need a way of deciding quality, and it just gets extremely messy super fast. It’s an admin nightmare.

Almost all doujin translations are done for free and its an ongoing thing, but if someone commissions something, that goes to the top of the priority list and generally you do a better job since there’s a bit of cash involved. A nice way to make a bit of money back for doing something you enjoy, but it doesn’t consume it.
And after it’s finished, it’s put out for free like everything else, no mess.

The best scripts (or doujin translations) are made by people who want to, solely because they enjoy making them, not by the people who just want money, its a bad motivator, but I also don’t want to discourage people from earning some money for something they worked hard on. It’s a double edged sword.

This is just my perspective, coming from a different community, I know things don’t translate one to one, but food for thought.

It’s precisely these kind of sophistic attitudes that cement my intent to restrict scripts behind some sort of participation requirement.

  • You have zero topics started
  • You’ve only opined about rules that would affect your freeloading when it comes to banning topics; No different than what you’re doing here
  • You’re the one trying to shame someone into keeping scripts free so you can continue to have access to them for doing absolutely nothing
  • I have 30 free scripts already available
  • If this community was anything like the community you speak of I wouldn’t have made the OP because none of the scripts I want access to would be behind paywalls in the first place

I’m not trying to be rude, but you should probably reflect a little more on yourself before you go yapping

And your elitist attitude is how communities die. If you want a walled garden, then go make one. Another script sharing community will eventually pop up.

I’m just sharing my thoughts, I’ve seen a lot of places like this come and go and I’ve seen what makes them fail. It’s basically always money and people getting too greedy.

I think you’re missing the main point - this topic isn’t about making money and greed but sharing scripts with solely community members who partake in development of this community.