Noob Multi-Axis Scripts Question

Hi Everyone! I just recently purchased an SR6 and in anticipation, I have a few questions since I have no experience with multi axis. The multi axis scripts I see on here usually have the normal .funscript along with pitch, roll, twist, etc. My question is if I am using MFP, do I only download the pitch, roll and twist? Or do I also download the normal .funscript on top of the other multi axis scripts? Is there any linking I need to do as well in MFP for the other axes that aren’t scripted?

You only NEED to download the scripts for the axes your device has (the regular .funscript is necessary for up/down F0 axis in MFP), but the files are so small that you may want to download all of them for the sake of futureproofing. That way you’ll be set regardless of which device you decide to use in the future.

As for MFP configuration, here’s what I would recommend.

Under each of your axes, you should see this menu.


You want to click Link Script, set the target to L0, and do not check Prioritize. What this will do is default to looking in your script directory for a script for this axis (Roll in this image).


Then, go to Motion and set Motion Provider to Random. This will tell MFP to create random movements for this axis whenever it doesn’t find an existing one.


As for the Speed and Range, you’ll have to adjust these as you see fit. I find more subtle Roll/Pitch to be best for me.

Perhaps the most important part of all of this is making sure you have a decent handle on the range of each axis. Start with really modest ranges for your top and bottom of each, and adjust accordingly.

Good luck and enjoy!

That is not fully correct.

Link script will copy the script from L0 to R1 if .roll.funscript is not present, so you will have the exact same motion on L0 and R1 (since the .funscript file will be used for both). It has nothing to do with enabling looking for .roll.funscript in script/video directory, thats done by default.

Copying the script using link script will also make random motion provider not work because by default it will prioritize the script over random motion.
By default for random motion to work you have to have no script loaded into R1, unless you change the common settings motion provider settings.

If you have SR6 you should definitely download .funscript as its the main stroke axis. The other scripts/axes will just “enhance” the main stroke script.

If you are using default MFP settings then R0/R1/R2 (twist/roll/pitch) are by default using random motion when L0 is moving.
If you want to do the same for L1/L2 you will just have to match the common settings under motion provider, and set them to use random motion provider.

Then I guess I am confused… If you want MFP to load every funscript, roll, and pitch script with the same name and only add random motion for what it doesn’t find, how should settings look?

Link script disabled and default motion provider settings used for R0/R1/R2: