Noxy-RED Standalone - Do you want a edging Software?

Noxy-RED Standalone

Noxy-RED Standalone would be a branch of a project I am working on. The Original Software is aimed to be an API Integration for Voxta Server. If you are interested in AI functionality of Sextoys, or even how to make your custom scene in a VR Sexgame, where you can have all those functionalities included, you might want to check out the Link at the end of this Article. Including a couple of videos showcasing Noxy-RED in a SFW showcase. The API is released as beta right now and you can get it in the Discord Channel of Voxta, but to use it, you going to have to subscribe to Voxta Patreon because that’s what’s driving that logic behaviour.

For now, we are focusing on the Standalone branch. Disclaimer: I am not part of the Voxta Team, I just maintain the API which is third party and have no affiliation. My software is free of charge as of now.

Before I go ahead and creating the Standalone Version, and make myself a lot of work, i gotta ask if this is at all something that people want. The API is not really used other than by a handful of Voxta Users, despite the fact that you basically can do a Home Integration with it, controlling virtually everything that has some sort of Connectivity. I tried to pitch this concept to different Discord Channels aimed for ERP, including VRchat groups, because let’s name it, the interactivity of my concept is not reduced to Singleplayer, it would be no big deal to implement it into VRChat, enabling additional toys to be triggered. But as nobody seamed to be interested, reactions ranging from “weird dude” to outright “hell no”, I just leave it at me not being interested to facilitate to those communities. After all, I’m not selling something, I just want to enable folks to have fun.

With the Noxy-RED Standalone, you can re-create an Edging Scenario, which is highly adaptable to your taste and kinks. In its basic form, it allows you to automate your Sex Toys. Of course, it would already come with a ready-to-go Logic, but this is only the start. The basic promise for example is to watch a VR or normal Clip while you start up the logic, which will keep you going for as long as you can take it. It is interfacing with Multifunplayer via Keystrokes, which can set motion patterns or even script patterns to your liking. Or Pause and Start the playback of Funscripts depending on the logic.

Inspired by Bratprinces Porn Clips, this Software has the capability to include other Sex toys than Stroker or Vibrator. Some examples in the working prototype state are:

  • Inflatable Buttplug

  • Magnetic Restraints

  • Estim Electrodes

  • Actuated Nipple Clamps

Of course those toys can’t be bought and are DIY, most of them would be possible for users to make if they have access to and a little knowledge about 3d Printing, Soldering and how to upload a Arduino Sketch. Some are easier to build than others, and there are more than those named I could document.

Therefore I put it to you:
Do you want a piece of software that is integrated in everything that can be powered over Multifunplayer… and then some!?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Maybe
0 voters


PS: Here you’ll find more Infos:

Noxy-RED api for Voxta:


Yes, anything related to AI operated edging content I am all for.


Hi there!
Well the api for Voxta does work, that would be the AI operated part. So, if you are into that ^^ i can help you get started. I send you a message a while back but never got an answer. Since then, the API has been released.

What i proposing here is a Version of Noxy that can power and control toys without AI. Reasoning behind that is that not everyone wants to tinker with AI or LLM’s etc. and the entry level for AI is high if you do it local (CUDA GPU or paid services)

So, the Standalone, would work without AI, but of course, you can pair it up with pre-generated Audio Clips, like the ones you are familiar in the mentioned Videos, which announces an electroshock. However, instead of just moaning and playing to get shocked, other than one of the girls actually pressing a button, in our case, you get shocked, based on the situation or the progression of the game.

A small example what could be done;
If you where to make the E-Stim Unit, which is fairly simple. It’s a standard TENS Unit from Amazon, a 3V Relay and a ESP32 and a standard Button you could do the following:

You can press that button, and it will drive your Stroker or Vibrator for a random time faster than slow, bringing you closer, but at the end it would switch either to slow movements again, or would stop, in case of a stop, it would wait for a random time before starting to stroke slow again. In either case, the user would get zapped after hearing a voice counting down to the event.

If the user presses the button again while the stroking is going on fast, it will go on stroke him faster for longer, but also will induce a random change that he gets zapped during this time again. Making it a bit interesting.

If that makes sense? It’s hard for me to formulate it so it’s clear and understandable for everyone. Basically, one could make “games” around stroking robots and vibrators that have interactivity beyond what’s common today.

As of now there is no reliable way to detect an orgasm i have found, even with the nogasm version, it’s sometimes a hit and miss. But of course… the source for the ESP32-Sneakybuddy as i called the Buttplug that inflates, got the option for a Pressure sensor, and mimics the protogasm orgasm detection. So, if you move too much or get contractions, in theory, it will stop the machine and zapp your balls. However, the finetuning and detection logic is not up to the real thing quite just yet. It’s also heavily depended on the buttplug how good it works.


12 ye, 2 ney motion carried, standalone will come

will post here again when it’s done with the link to the main thread.
i also will try to include a version for the e-stim that can be build with off the shelve parts without soldering or 3d printing involved. it won’t look nice but it will work :sunglasses:

expect mid to end next week


initial release, no video no toys yet. only for beta testers :>

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This sounds very interesting, I’ll be keeping an eye on this as the Brat Princess edging software is one of my biggest kinks for as long as I can remember. I’d love it if the NimbleStroker could be hooked up to this AI to edge.

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Exploratory Devices hinted on their Twitter that something like the nogasm is coming.

it exists and works.

the reason why i am not yet have posted the rf module integration is because i am working at the moment in a pulse based detection. which is not intrusive and therefore more accessible.

the first prototype works, as you get aroused too much it will trigger. however, real orgasm detection needs a good baseline and some luck.

just like the false positive with the butt plug also can happen.

i am working right now with a off the shelve finger sensor that has bt, this works, but it’s cumbersome. i am finishing it up with a biceps places sensor. as soon as it works i will post again

Eagerly awaiting an update, this is honestly one of the most exciting things I’ve seen in a while. Especially if you can get off the shelf, somewhat reasonably priced orgasm detection hardware to work.

Right now all of the nogasms, protogasm options on the market are so expensive so this would be a very welcome addition.

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hi there! sorry still stick :> i’ve contracted twice in a row a bad flue, can’t barely speak.

but i was able to finish up the interface software that it works now flawlessly to connect.

the way the pulse is processed however is another can of worms.
i think i am going to publish the alpha tho.

on another note: the RF toys is going to be a bummer. out of 5 toys, 2 work. that is not good enough. it seams the chinese have begun to use more complex encoding for some of the toys.

if you then also look at the reliability of the transmission, it stands to reason that a rf gateway for toys is a good idea. i would need to buy each and every toy, decode, implement a different logic for each. that is just not feasible. but a diy-er can still try to see if theirs would work.

so i’m sorry in they toys department, it will need to be home made ones.
i.e.: you buy a off-the shelve item, hook a esp32 to it and make it wifi capable.
the upside to this is: it works every time :>

just have seen, i added the pulse detector already:

  1. download the Noxy-RED
  2. unzip to a folder of your choosing
  3. install docker desktop (Docker Desktop: The #1 Containerization Tool for Developers | Docker)
  4. run Setup_Docker-Instances.bat
  5. to start it, make sure all Docker is running and hit start_Noxy-RED.bat
  6. open a Webbrowser and navigate to http://localhost:1880/

If you want a guided show and tell let me know

I am using the COOSPO HW706. if you have already something, you can try that first, it should work with other Bluetooth capable devices, but it’s not tested. Some Manufacturers are a bit… wired and don’t use the industry standards…
The app you want for messureing the pulse is under /bin/Pulse detector/bt_pusledetection.exe

you may need to whitelist it because its a python script. the source is included in the src folder if you want to take a gander first.

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if you like to see how it comes together…
sorry for the voice, i’m still not full there
watch on youtube if the quality of the video doesn’t work for you here :slight_smile:

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Amazing…a Brattprincess experience has always bee a dream of mine. A while ago i bought a Gballs2 pressure sensor, since there was this tease on xtoys that could link the Handy / Estim + Gballs sensor together. Even though it detected everything, inclusing contractions, the script itself simply didn`t work… hoping you can create the real thing here!! :smiley:

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sorry mate but 99 is a bit steep for me at the moment to get that toy.
and i would need it to find a way to read out the gatt characteristics for the pressure sensor…

for now, you would need to use the pulse arm band. it won’t stop you when you contract, however, usually by that point it’s a bit late :smiley: you will allready begin to climax and ruin it. while pulse just keeps you down from not rising too high in the first place.

but i would say i put it on the list for after the estim, i am implementing the dg-lab estim device with it, should be here mid-end january. after that i can have a look. but it seams a bit difficult to get here in europe