Onahole to SR6 Twist receiver


Hey everyone, I made a simple adapter that allows you to strap an onahole (or similar) to your OSR or SR6 Twist receivers. It uses trilancer or other straps to hold in the stroker and connects to the Twist receivers with the standard fleshlight locking mechanism. I hope you can get some use out of this or take this design and modify it to your own liking.

Find it on Makerworld: link


How does this compare to the Handy adapter apart from appearing to be able to accommodate slightly bigger onaholes?

I am not familiar with that so I am not sure in what ways it is different.


Looks to be solving the same basic problem. Functionally it seems they are the same, would just be a matter of preference of design and ease of printing and such.

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This looks like it would “be/feel” less likely to break. Also that bottom strap isn’t super adjustable after its been locked into place in my experiance. Looking forward to printing this in the future. Thanks for sharing

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Looks like a good design! Will definitely try this after getting my printer.

Ohhhhhh if anyone would print this for me I’d be willing to pay. I’ve gone through like 6 of the handy sleeve adapters. This looks like it would last longer, handle some of my bigger onaholes, and not slightly bend in the way the handy adapter does.

@doordog You can download the STL file and use an 3D printer service to do that for you rather than wait for someone here to offer to do so.
Here’s a site I’ve found that lets you choose from an selection of services (I have not used site myself yet): https://www.treatstock.co.uk/my/print-model3d

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The micro USB socket on my SR2 completely disconnected at the solder points so the point is moot at the moment haha. I’ve used those services before but figured I’d give the opportunity to someone in the community if there were any takers. Appreciate the suggestion though!

Printed. It was a really nice design, thanks for making this!

Installed on my SR1 and it seems to leave some room for movement (not a snug fit). Might worth scaling it up a little bit.

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If you are in the uk i don’t mind helping out :slight_smile:

I found some issues where it is too loose when mounting to the base, causing it to rattle and release itself during the rotation of the T-wist movement.
I have changed the base of this if you want me to share it? it is a snug fit.

Share it, mod it, enjoy it, whatever you want to do with it. Glad you can get it working for your setup.

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Thank you. I have given credits to you in the description. :slightly_smiling_face:
Here is a link to the remix - https://makerworld.com/en/models/998893#profileId-975861

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Printed with support and I’m having problems cleaning those supports under the overhang. I also can’t properly fit it into the twist ring unless these are cleaned up.

Have you had any success printing without support?

I printed mine with some generic elegoo PLA filament, had no issues with support or fitment.
Im not sure how well the overhang will hold up without any supports.
The stl is avaliable so you are welcome to tweak the settings, have you tried with tree support?

Your license doesn’t allow that, consider changing it

Mkay it seems to work

Printer said og design is meh and it won’t hold without a border
Considering I’m now suspicious even of my vesa mount (and maybe even the table which is just a 10kg board) that’s likely true
So I got the modded one by @Denimboi,
supports were fine

Now back from the construction to actual testing

Maybe should try the two-poles design, any comments on it?

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