Open Funscripter - how to re-dock the position window

I’m working on a script in OpenFunScripter 3.2, and somehow managed to undock the position window while trying to set the horizontal scale (which I also have yet to figure out.)

The position window is now a separate window. Restarting OFS does not return it to part of the main window.

I’ve managed to get it to lose the separate windows level top bar, but it won’t snap back into position.

How do you go about returning it to it’s position? Is there a menu item that I can pick that will return it or reset it?

Worst case: is there some config file or registry entry I can delete to get it to regen the default config?

UPDATE: Seems part of the question is 'ow 'e grips it. Drag around the tab that says “Positions”, “Controls” or “Time”, and you can begin to reposition it. There’s hot zones that will position it above, below, left or right of an item on the screen, and you can resize them once it drops so that ‘controls’ isn’t taking up half the screen width. It will also set it in a ‘tabbed’ layout

I’ve gotten it workable, but quite not back to the original positions. If anyone knows of a way to reset the window layout without reinstalling, please let me know.

You can probably reset it by deleting the OFS data folder by typing %appdata% in Explorer and then navigate down to to \Roaming\OFS\OFS3_data. However, that will reset everything, keybindings, ffmpeg download etc.

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