OpenFunscripter 3.2.0 For MacOS

Now just want to be sure if I pay this conversion will work on my old MacBook :grin:

Your Mac is indeed a bit old, but compatibility mainly depends on the CPU and MacOS versions. I have updated the details of my post, please read it again

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Thanks for the precision. Maybe I’ll take a look at it.

@codeScripter Hello I’ve tried to use the app.
The brew install worked fine, but I’m unable to use OFS, minium MacOS 13 required when trying to open it, Im stuck at 12.6.
Maybe add this minimum OS version in your posts :slight_smile:
Have a nice coffee :wink:

Edit: tried as well on MacMini M2 with MacOS 14, the app can be opened but nothing appeared

Here is how to compile it for mac if anyone interested: Anyone know of a Script Maker App for Mac OSX? - #15 by Mongoose

@kinetics I think I should have read this article earlier so that I don’t have to explore many things on my own!

Thank you for Mongoose’s guidance. It is indeed necessary to do so. Intel’s program requires Intel’s brew to match

Here is his guide:

If you’re on an Apple Silicon (arm M1) Mac, we need to pretend we’re on an Intel machine so everything actually compiles. (This will open a new bash shell and use Rosetta to emulate an Intel machine – if your Mac prompts you to install Rosetta, do what it says)
For Apple Silicon Macs only:
arch -x86_64 /bin/bash
[opens a new fake-Intel bash shell]

For Apple Silicon Macs only, we need to install homebrew again (sorry). This will hopefully work! It’s very messy to install homebrew twice, as normally homebrew for arm installs to /opt/homebrew/bin/brew, but we have to fudge things for our fake-Intel build so we get fake-intel mpv which OpenFunscript needs)
For Apple Silicon Macs only
arch -x86_64 /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"

For Apple Silicon Macs only—first we have to explicitly set a load of exports for the intel version of homebrew, as we’re running in a fake-Intel bash shell where these may not get set automatically and they’ll be needed later for cmake & make, then we run the x86 version of homebrew to install mpv
export HOMEBREW_PREFIX="/usr/local";
export HOMEBREW_CELLAR="/usr/local/Cellar";
export HOMEBREW_REPOSITORY="/usr/local/Homebrew";
export PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin${PATH+:$PATH}";
export MANPATH="/usr/local/share/man${MANPATH+:$MANPATH}:";
export INFOPATH="/usr/local/share/info:${INFOPATH:-}";
/usr/local/Homebrew/bin/brew install mpv

Thanks @kinetics and @codeScripter for links and time.
I have managed to compile myself OFS on my old MacBook, seems to correctly launch. I will see during production if all going well. Why I have not see this post before too :wink:

I will try later on MacMini, my priority was to install it on the laptop to produce scripts watching TV :wink:

@codeScripter no need to refund me on patreon, with pleasure for your time

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Please try it. If there are still any issues, please right-click on the app ->Display Package Content ->Content ->MacOS ->OpenFunscripter. This is a Unix executable file that can be opened. If there are any errors, you can see them. You can take a screenshot and I will help you find a solution

Congratulations, those who use Mac computers are usually smart people

Remember to rebind the shortcut key for the action. I’m going to rest now

If you’re looking for a challenge @codeScripter, would be awesome to get the motion tracking funscript generstor to work on a Mac. Not sure it’s possible though.


A very good idea. I will explore the possibility of this matter
If I succeed, I will either start a separate post or update in this post


Hello , I am trying to get your application running on my Mac and it keeps getting stuck when I open a new video. It automatically opens 2 video windows and metadata and will not let me go further.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Close the metadata editor then you can continue

Ah thank you! That was very helpfull!

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Kind Regards Serenitatum

you need to install the MPV

I can’t fiind it in the content package. Do you have a DL link?

Ah I did some research and Aplle Silicon is homebrew software for Mac, wich I don’t have on my Mac. Tried to install the MPV. But I think this is above my knowledge. Thank you for your kind support.

You need to install brew first.