OpenFunscripter - a scripting tool - 3.2.0 release

A wild guess… could it be that you’ve entered names with strange characters (from an English language point of view)? If you have, try your changes without any bookmarks, chapters or metadata. If that works then you have unsupported characters in those. Invalid characters is probably the most common issue for why some data format can’t be parsed.

Another way to find the root cause is to make small changes and continuously try to export the script in between until it stops working. That way you should be able to pinpoint what exactly causes OFS to fail parsing the json data. Also, try exporting without any changes first so it isn’t an issue with your Windows settings (e.g. regional settings or language settings).

As of now I’ve renamed the files, deleted the ofsp created a new one, re exported the funscipt but somehow just keeps defaulting the the original funscipt that was made

An update any new chages i make on the script are exported but the rest of it reverts back to its default

I’m confused about your last statement. Just to be clear. OFS use a project file and that is what you save with a normal save. The project file (.ofsp) contains all settings that are script specific along with the scripted movements. However, the project file is not a funscript. To get a funscript-file that you can use you have to export the file first, hence the export function.

That said, when you say that your changes are lost, but your exported script contains the changes, do you both save the project and export the script at the end of your scripting session or do you only export? Only saving the project or only exporting the funscript does not explain the parsing error you mentioned in your first post though.

The .ofsp file from OFS 2.x is not compatible with OFS 3.x.
You can create a new project file by removing the old one and open the video when you have a funscript with the same name. If you save after that the new project file will contain all your scripted movements.

So to better elaborate since its not writing this at 4 am anymore.

I have a funcscript for a video. I found a higher res version of the video which is longer by a couple of seconds. I have been going into ofs and tweaking the original funscipt to better sync with the new video. This is not the first tme I have done this with ofs. On ofs everything seems to be working. All of my changes are there. Once i export, the points I originally shifted to sync with the new video go back to their original place before any editing on my part occurred. I’ve tested by adding new points to the script and deleting sections. After doing these edits and exported into a funscript, the edits show up but for some reason the funscirpt exported shows all of the changes I made but the points from the fun script shift back to their original position for the original video. Here are some images to better illustrate what im seeing.

and update I just noticed OFS is not loading the entire video length. I think this is why I’m having problems in the first place. OFS is cutting off the first couple of seconds of the video in the player. The image at time 0 are completely different. Any ideas on why OFS is doing this?

OFS cutting of video

Original video not being cutoff

Try to re-encode the original video since it behaves strangely in different players. Sometimes that is enough to get rid of strange issues. I usually use Handbrake for encoding videos (ffmpeg works too but is much more complex since it has no graphical user interface).

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i’ll give it a try and share what happens

update: handbreak fixed the issue. everything now syncs up. Thx for the suggestion @sentinel

Just to clear this up. I run on a mac and have no issues running OFS. You do have to compile it yourself if you are on Apple Silicon hardware but it does not require paying a yearly fee.

I hadn’t looked at the github for a long time but it looks like the developer is no longer active. I had opened a PR to fix builds on Apple Silicon but it never got accepted. :sweat:

I do believe it does if you want to distribute your software to run on other peoples computers. It works for you because you compile it yourself and run it on your own computer. At least that is how I’ve understood the information from Apple. But I could be wrong.

Has anyone run into an issues with OFS crashing after trying to load an exiting script?

Sorry to be a pain,
Is there a way to disable the video looping once playback reaches the end?

Just a quick question. let’s say I have a scene with a script but I want to cut out a part of the scene. Is there a way in OpenFunscripter to cut the scene and the funscript so they continue to sync up afterwards?

hope I explained it okay

Best regards, Elmar

@Emmi You can do exactly that with Funscript&Video Merger/Splitter.

Scroll down to the end of the comments and there’s a link to a post with a step by step tutorial. For me it was extremely intimidating at first, but once I followed the tutorial it was no longer confusing.

okay, cool thanks I’ll check it out!

Best regards

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Anyone knows how to restore script from the backup file? I was working on a script yesterday night when suddenly electricity cut off at my home. So, I found the folder with the backup file but I cannot open it with the program.

Move the file backup file back to where your original ofsp is located. Rename the backup file to the same name as the old file (the important part is to remove .backup at the end).

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Im having trouble scripting 8k videos the framerate is awful just stuttering, Ive tried to work around it am i just missing something here? I have a high end PC and the only solution ive found is to just use software to lower the quality and do it from there but its so tedious.

Try → Options → Preferences → Player → Force hardware decoding either on or off.

Thanks it worked i couldve sworn I thought I tried this but guess I didnt

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A number of people have mentioned the problem of not starting even though they installed it correctly. Did you solve it?

I installed it on a new computer, but the same issue occurred where it wouldn’t start.

The log is also blank.

i have very offen that when i open a video (mp4) there is no reponse from the metaeditor. How can i solve this problem ?

is there a way to disable the metaeditor ?