OpenFunscripter - a scripting tool - 3.2.0 release

Install it to a diffirent location.

Install folder can matter a lot on these things as windows doesnt allow changes to happen in all folders. Especialy the root or program files folders are capable of giving issues here as the rights to write here are user dependant (admin users can often write fine in program files, but non admin users get popups here).

Also, if run as admin is required to run the program, that indicates an install issue from the beginning as this isnt needed at all.

Likely causes for other conflicts is if windows considers it downloaded from the internet, or when the program was copy/pasted over. Although this should generaly be handled fine in windows 10 (this can be checked when right clicking the folder and viewing its properties, it will mention the part of it being an internet download and restrict things because of that).

Virusscanner rarely matters here if the popup isnt virusscanner related. If the popup is from the virusscanner, then that is the place to look (and not windows).

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@Slibowitz @SomeoneRandom

All of my system updates finished many hours ago. Iā€™ve repeatedly refreshed the ā€œcheck for updatesā€ button just to make sure there arenā€™t any lingering updates.

Iā€™ve tried installing OFS to multiple locations now. Iā€™ve made sure to delete the appdata folder and restart my computer each time too.

I donā€™t see anything in the folder properties mentioning it being downloaded from the internet or having any restrictions.

It still wonā€™t open. The only thing that ever happens is that sometimes Iā€™ll catch it pop up in the Task Manager under Background processes for a split second and then itā€™s gone.

EDIT: Just downloaded version 1.2.1 released July 3, 2021. It downloaded as a zip folder with an exe and no installer. It appears to open fine so apparently the latest version just doesnā€™t work with my computer. Iā€™ll test it some more later to make sure it actually works though.

Check this post and see if that helps. It has helped several users getting OFS 3.x up and running.

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@sentinel It looks like that worked! Thanks! :+1:

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How do you use MFP for live testing, if you can not set the Websocket address and MFP does not allow as an ip?

System.Net.Http.HttpRequestException: IPv4 address and IPv6 address ::0 are unspecified addresses that cannot be used as a target address. (Parameter 'hostName') (

The chapter indicator and bookmarks is invisible in the time line after playing the video. Does somebody know how I can solve this?


Make the pane bigger (grab the top and move up). The chapters are most likely below the visible part of the pane.

Thx for your help

Has anyone else encountered a problem where their playback speed is basically stuck at a certain playback speed? It occasionally happens that I canā€™t set the playback speed because it basically instantly gets re-set to a small specific range. Last time it was around 0.967, now itā€™s around 1.047.
Tried everything from restarting, re-installing the program to rebooting my machine, nothing worked so far.

Edit: Turns out it was my controller whose trigger was tiltet just slightly, not a bug

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Anyone know if its possible to get like a total unit length moved in the script?

see if this is what you want, go to C:\Users[Your PC User]\AppData\Roaming\OFS\OFS3_data\extensions\ and create a new folder (any name you like for the extension) then create a file call ā€œmain.luaā€ in it and paste this in.

---@diagnostic disable: lowercase-global
Total = {}

function init()

function update()

function scriptChange()
	for i = 1, ofs.ScriptCount() do
		Total[i] = countMovement(i)

function gui()
	if ofs.ScriptCount() > 0 then
		for i = 1, ofs.ScriptCount() do
			if #ofs.ScriptName(i) > 0 then
				if not Total[i] then
					Total[i] = countMovement(i)
				ofs.Text(string.format("%s: %d (%d actions)", ofs.ScriptName(i), Total[i], #ofs.Script(i).actions))

function countMovement(i)
	if i > ofs.ScriptCount() then
		return 0
	local script = ofs.Script(i)
	local count = 0
	if #script.actions > 1 then
		for i = 2, #script.actions do
			count = count + math.abs(script.actions[i].pos - script.actions[i-1].pos)
	return count

Hey, i just updated to the newest version (comming from 1.4). How do i install or use the lua extensions from earlier? like the extensions from Lucifie?

Anybody know what key I may have hit to make OFS close without prompting to save? Yeah yeah, save more, but I lost five video minutes of manual input and Iā€™m about to bang my head against the wall in frustration haha

(Edit: Backup directory saved me)

Is nobody seriously going to talk about how this software has become abandonware at this point? The github repo is now archived and the last contribution was made last Christmas. If thereā€™s other people here willing and able to fork it and continue development please do share a link to your forked repo. There are lots of improvements that can still be made to this software and itā€™s a shame to see the owner just suddenly disappearing without even explaining why the project got canned.


could this be linked to what SLR are doing with their new AI driven tool?

In that case i would at least still expect activity. Even if its just making a positive comment in the thread about it. Now its just complete silence without any clue what is going on.

New versions on stable software arent always needed, and a year long lack of updates can still be fine for that. But 9 months of silence indicates something else (not necessarily bad. sometimes you find a new friend and suddenly lack time for a hobby)

Its also very likely why its on github to begin with, its a platform that allows forking to continue development if the main project dies.

If the fork is good, usualy when the author does appear online again, they update their page to mention the newer properly updated version. Dead projects like this are common to happen when there is no money involved in any of the work.
And sometimes the main version just takes the occasional state of the fork to make that the main branch while the other becomes a develop branch. Plenty of ways to go here.

But it does take someone to actualy take the effort to continue the project. And this is where often nothing happens as not a lot of people can often continue these things.

An aspect that might complicate things is that the project is C++, which isnā€™t as popular anymore (compared to C#, Python, Java etc.). I tried to take a look at it, but my lack of skills in C++ prevented me from doing anything useful. I did manage to compile and run OFS though. I also understood why saving metadata as template doesnā€™t work, but I wasnā€™t able to refactor the code to solve the issue. I had to accept that Iā€™m a C#, and not a C++, developer and gave up my bug fixing attempts. Even if I had been able to solve that particular defect no one would have reviewed and approved the pull request given the now archived state of the project. Letā€™s hope there are other C++ champions here able to continue the work. There are 23 forks after all (most inactive though).


How do I do this?

I canā€™t open anything Iā€™ve made with 2.0 in 3.2.

Where are the instructions for how to do it? Thanks

How do I convert an OFS2 project to OFS3.2? If possibleā€¦

Create an empty folder. Place a copy of the video in it. Place the 2.0 script. Be sure they are named exactly the same.
Now open OFS3, close the project if thereā€™s one open. Open the video and it should open the relative script. If it doesnā€™t work try opening the script and it should find the video. If it doesnā€™t work it means the script meta data are not the same as the name of the video. Try opening the script with notepad or notepad++ (wich is a 1000 times better and free), scroll the script to the end and you should find the name of the video. Either copy the new video name inside the script or rename the video and the funscript with tha name you found inside the script.

I hope you manage to do it, otherwise, just tell me and I will check it on my pc, everything I wrote was just how I remember it.