OpenFunscripter - another scripting tool - 1.1.9 release

@HeelsLover69 here’s an update on the simulator.
I have added these lines, a switch to turn of the position text and a global opacity slider.
Is this what you had in mind?


@gagax123 wow, that looks great! Thanks a lot!

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Quick question - is it possible to enter stroker positions that aren’t multiples of 10? e.g. 25 or 72?

Also, I opened it up just now and it looks like this:

I’m assuming some config must have corrupted itself… Should I justs delete imgui.ini?

No. I’m adding a way to shift click actions into the script via the simulator in the next update.

This looks like you started the program from another working directory
because it failed to load the fonts ( data/fonts/ ) as well as the default imgui.ini that I always include.
The imgui.ini does store the layout but I’ve never had it “corrupt”.
When you delete the imgui.ini it will default to all the window being in the top left like in the screenshot.
Right now the exe needs to be launched inside of directory it comes in. ( something I should look into )

:warning: There’s a bug in 1.0.5 where the tmp directory doesn’t get created to save those undo states. :warning:
If the tmp directory exists everything is fine. If it doesn’t ofs crashes. :pensive:

New update v1.0.6
I really hope the anti-aliasing works for everyone. Otherwise I have to do a quick patch. :fire_extinguisher:


@gagax123 I love that new simulator. Thanks for that. Would it be possible to save the zoomfactor and position of the video? That could be helpful especialy for vr scenes.

Anything is possible. I’m just lazy.
I assume you mean the 2D position with “position of the video” not the time as I’ve already implemented that. :thinking:
There’s two ways I could do this I could attach zoom, rotation, etc. to the script like I did with the time or I could just save it in my config.json.

@gagax123 That’s exactily what i guessed with position. But don’t feel under pressure. I think, it would be better in the script, because it is script-related, but it’s your choice.

@HeelsLover69 I uploaded another release which includes that. :ok_hand:

Yesterday I realized that the saving of the recording stuff is very broken.
This is still the case so keep that in mind. :sweat:
1.0.6a Github

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hey, so im recording via the simulator, and the scripts are refusing to play on every player i try. Is this what you mean by the saving of recording stuff being broken?

i think i figured it out. Im using the handy, and it uses only actions; not raw actions, so the script fails to convert to a csv, meanwhile the simulator records in raw actions whether or not the box is checked. JFS uses 2 sliders to adjust tolerance and automatically add points along the recording line. Is this reasonable to add?

The recording stuff is work in progress.
If you’re using it right now you still have manually place points across the recorded line.
Which is less work than it sounds ( you can just shift click across the red line ) and it will probably provide better results than some algorithm would.
That being said there probably will be a way to turn recordings into actual points in the future but it may differ from how JFS does it.

The thing that’s broken is the loading of the recording.
If you save a script with a recording and load it again the recording will not render correctly.

Hey @gagax123,

I’ve been enjoying using OFS for the most part.

It crashes.

That’s OK - it’s a work in progress. Software crashes. Especially new software.
Just… I’ve lost a few hours of my life to crashes now. Any chance of implementing autosave? Or at least making that “X minutes since save” message flash at you every 5 or 10 minutes to remind you to save?

OFS 1.0.6a already has an auto backup feature, at least according to the debug log console window (I never actually used the feature myself). Check the backup folder in the folder where you extracted OFS.

As @sentinel said since 1.0.6 there is a rolling backup (enabled by default) which should have 5 files for the last 5 minutes.
The backups aren’t well named so you would just pick the most recent file, copy it out of the folder (this is important), rename it & continue more or less where you left off.

If you’re experiencing crashes with the newest version I would obviously like to fix them. But I need to know what you did the moment it crashed.

This is brilliantly made. You said you’re proud and I definitely think you should be! Great UI and easy to use.

This is my first public C++ project and during the initial development the’re were some pretty intimidating problems that made me want to give up.
Powered through it though. :keyboard: :muscle:


There’s now a 1.0.6b release.
Feel free to skip this one if you’re not into the recording stuff.