OpenFunscripter - another scripting tool - 2.0.0 release

Has the bookmark function always jumped just by hovering over it? Because I don’t think it did before, and it’s bugging me. Is there a way to turn that behavior off and require clicking to jump?

This may be a dumb question but can you install OFS on a usb drive and work off that? Or does OFS need to be installed on a hard drive?

Similarly if the answer is yes would you be able to install the motion tracker on the usb as well

You can, just download the zip file and unzip it on the usb drive. If you put the motion tracker on the usb drive make sure that the usb drive letter is correct in the lua script when you change PCs.

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It’s not really an extension to OFS, but I suggest creating a batch file with this command (ex. “optimize-for-ofs.bat”):
"[path to ffmpeg]\ffmpeg.exe" -i "%~dp1\%~nx1" -r 30 -filter:v "scale=2048:-1" -intra -qp 30 -acodec copy "%~dp1\%~n1-optimized%~x1"

You can then drag a video file on the batch file and it will make an “[filename]-optimized.[extension]” file in the same folder. The optimized file will not have any ‘B’ frame and 30 fps, which make a big difference when you are working in OFS. Not sure where I saw this trick, but it made a huge difference for me.

To use the optimized file in OFS, but test with the original file, I usually do this:

  1. Open the optimized file in OFS (ex. “SIVR-00130-optimized.mp4”).
  2. Use menu “File\Export\Export Active Script”, save to “[original file name].funscript” (ex. "SIVR-00130.funscript). You only have to do it once. After that, OFS will always use the filename you chose for the ‘quick export’.
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Is there a hotkey to reload active extensions? Disabling and enabling my extension whenever I want to test a change is a bit of a chore.

@murmanox No but I think that’s a good idea.
You don’t need to disable and re-enable if you enable “Extensions”->“Developer mode” it places a “Reload” button + some perf timers in the extension window.

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Thanks, that’s good to know. Just a few more things:

  1. It would be nice if there was a number input which has an increment and decrement button, with custom step and optional min and max values. (turns out this is just ofs.Input… oopsie)
  2. Buttons with the same text don’t work properly, only the first instance of the button is functional.

@murmanox I could add an optional parameter for the step size of ofs.Input the clamping of the value I feel like you can always do in Lua.
Right now ofs.Input always steps by 1.

value, val_changed = ofs.Input("Number", value)
value = clamp(value, 0, 10)

For Buttons or any widgets using the same text you’ll have to write “Text Displayed##UniqueId” so for example multiple “Apply” buttons would work like this.


This applies to all widgets.
I’m passing the string from Lua directly to ImGui.
Here’s the section from their FAQ which applies ImGui Ids
I’m going to add this to my “API Reference”.

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New version v1.4.1


Added a new Version v1.4.2
Nothing major just some Lua stuff to execute other programs.


I followed all instructions but the lua doesn’t show up in custom scripts list. What can I try?

@gagax123 Thanks for adding more lua commands, I have been trying out writing extension.
One little request, is it possible to make the meta info popup optional when opening a new video?
I am not using it but it has to be closed every time to access the main GUI again.

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@LinuxUsers I added an AppImage to the latest tagged release.
And was wondering if you can run this on your system.

  1. Download the AppImage
  2. chmod +x *.AppImage
  3. ./OFS-64x_8c11bba818bf18acd8d154fb1b138cbc58cb27f9.AppImage

It doesn’t package libmpv which is why it’s very small you’re required to install libmpv via your package manager instead.

In the future I want to stop doing the snap packages and just switch to this instead.

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Great thanks! I’ll take a closer look at the weekend. Could start the image successfully in any case :tada:

Installtion of the dependencies for Debain based distros:
sudo apt-get install -y libmpv-dev

When creating a project and then closing the OFS, why does the latest video pop up when I try to open the OFS again? How to change so that I need to open the project manually instead of automatically open direct when OFS is started.

Not sure what happened but for some reason I can not get OFS to start. I originally had it setup as a portable installation and have now switched over to the executable installation and neither one will load. All I get is a thinking circle next to the mouse pointer and then it disappears. Ideas? Oh, Windows 10x64 with 21H1 update.

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Good afternoon, everyone. When trying to run the program, nothing happens. What could be the reason. win 10

Have you followed the installation instructions properly? The first video in the post below shows how to do it. Also try to search the forum since this question has been asked a few times by different people. A common issues is forgetting to install prerequisites.

I have. Even searched and found that my LAV filters were behind so updated those as well as downloaded the C++ distro listed above and still nothing. No errors, just a blue thinking circle that disappears after a second. I don’t even get a console window. Uninstalled and reinstalled numerous times with no success and same results. Frustrating because I was working a few scripts but now can’t.

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I have the same problem. If you can fix it somehow, please let us know