OpenFunScripter - "OpenFunscripter failed to import." when attempting to use a solitary .funscript file, no video

when attempting to load a .funscript file with the program I just keep getting the message “OpenFunscripter failed to import.” I have tried with many scripts, all of them are getting the same warning.

I downloaded and installed all prerequisites, I tried both the AVX and non-AVX versions still got the same error. Could me being on Windows 11 have to do with the issue?

The video and funscript have the same name?

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Oh, I was just trying to edit a funscript without any video, is a video required for editing in openfunscript?

Sorry i misunderstood you. I do not know the answer to that question.

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I just renamed a random mp3 file (to save on space) to the funscript name and changed the ending to .mp4, it works now even if it is a bit of a hassle, thanks for the help.

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