OSR2+ malfunctioning

Hi all,

I bought the OSR2+ from M0SAIC’s webpage in about January of this year. It has served me very well ever since, but today as I tried to use it I encountered some problems with it:

Normally when you connect power to the stroker, the arms will immediately spring to life and home to their default positions, but this time I noticed it did not do that, though I didn’t think much of it. That would then become a problem as after connecting to MFP, the stroker did not move at all. When this happens I would just reconnect the power cord, and it did jerk back to life. The movement however was unusual; it would only roll left and right, but would not move up or down, and neither would the pitch change. When I continued to let the video play in MPV, the stroker suddenly made an extremely sharp roll to the left, which would have ripped my member off, and it would be stuck in that position.

Thinking the internals might have collected enough dirt to affect the normal operation I removed the front cover and tried removing whatever possible debris I could find, but the stroker still continued operating abnormally. I have made sure that my computer as well as MFP could recognize the stroker. I have tried something much more daunting such as checking if the pins were connected properly and that it had the proper firmware, but I might have inadvertently made things worse. Any help to restore my precious stroker into normal operation would be greatly appreciated :pray:

Hey there 2 things, have you contacted M0SAIC about this to see if they can give insight? (They’ve built thousands of these I’d guess at this point)
2nd thing can you manually move the servos gently or are any of them stiff/don’t move especially when given power?

  • If yes to this then congrats some of your servo’s have given their last go and you’ll need to look at replacing them.
  • If not I recall someone else having a similar problem that I think ended up with them having to reflash their device, I’ll attempt to find that post and edit the link in so you can give what they attempted a go.

EDIT: I believe this is the topic I was thinking of, it seems I was also mistaken and they ended up purchasing a new power supply as they thought that they overvolted it.


You should download the Arduino app, connect it to the device with the serial monitor, and type these commands, waiting for movement to stop between them:


That will move the servos all the way up, then all the way down, at a pretty low speed.

If they do anything other than that, describe the movement.

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Ngl I didn’t think of messaging him at first thinking he was probably dealing with a whole tsunami of DMs. I will DM him in a bit, but I also feel compelled to think some of the servos might have taken their last breath, thanks for the advice!

Keep in mind Servo’s if you remember how they were at the start when everything was fine and their movement (mine move easily from just a little bit of weight from the receiver itself can tip to the side) to now then you should be able to easily spot that something has changed indicating that one has died since it (for me) stiffens up and requires a ton more weight/force to move and won’t move anymore by itself.

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Hi, I’ve tried this and for some reason none of the servos move at all, am I doing something wrong?

Honestly I feel pretty compelled to think that all the servos are dead, which is understandable since I actually put in quite some abuse to them, in which case I am perfectly fine buying new servos

If you get a serial connection and you’re able to type the commands in the serial monitor without some error popping up, I don’t think you’re doing anything wrong.

I’d suggest buying one servo to start with, then plugging that into the board then testing to make sure it moves. You could still have power or board issues instead.


Hello, after a few days of dabbling between life and this stroker, I think I have narrowed down the root cause of this to the board. When I run the commands provided by Thanny the servos move in the way as described. However, when I connect it to MFP and play some videos, I notice that sometimes they make an extremely sharp roll to the left. While this is happening I also noticed that the blue light on the board disappears everytime. Using MOSA also seems to confirm that the servos are still in perfect working condition. How should I proceed from here, maybe a new board? Thanks

If the board is the problem and not the software or servos then…yeeep board replacement. Did you get anything back from contacting M0SAIC btw?

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There is an issue with esp32 devkit using serial connection where the servos work normally but randomly make sudden unwanted moves. If you are using serial try using wifi/udp in MFP.

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