Osr2 problem

hello i need help from someone who build a osr2 and programmed it :frowning:
i can’t install the ino file because my computer does not find it on a com port :frowning:

Make sure to installm the cp210x driver if you are using the ESP32

did that already not sure what is wrong i bought a romeo BLE mini V2.0 but windows 10 can’t seem to find it as a com device maybe it’s my connection ? when i plug in the usb the power outlet light start to light up even when i don’t have the power outlet jacked in . i got all the files from thingiverse but whatever i do i get no response on the board or the motors.

have you confirmed trhat the USB cord will transfer data?

every usb i tried does not reconise this device someone who could help from a distance should be handy ?

Also try asking in the Troubleshooting channel in the Tempest discord. It is a great resource.

I build exclusively with the ESP32 and have not touched a Romeo chip for well over a year now.

Dont give up, you got this.

now i’m getting somewhere but the file fails every time to upload
stk500_recv() : Programmer is not responding
stk500_getsync() attempt 10 of 10: not in sync : resp=0x6f

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