OSR2/SR6 to Intiface Central connection unofficial rough guide

Ah…I was going on the fact it was working with MFP that script player is the issue…hm since it isn’t working then I’m going to say I’m unable to help as I think then it’s something specifically with your device being an SSR1. Which then means that myself only having an Handy and SR6 can’t really test to replicate what’s going on. Sorry maybe script player or MFP enthusiasts can help in identifying what’s wrong?

yeah that was my fault thanks for trying to help at least, I will keep messing around with it maybe someone here will have a answer.

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Good news messing around with the min command delay on scriptplayer seem to fixed it. It was a really high number before because of my keon. MFP still wont work and on scriptplayer I still get the same error but the device is playing the script correctly now on scriptplayer.

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Why connect thru intiface if you can connect directly to the device in MFP/Scriptplayer?
In MFP you can try switching your device map from FixedUpdate to PolledUpdate if for some reason the device cannot handle high update rate.

To my knowledge funsr1 cannot directly connect to the scriptplayer thats why,