Peripherals/Creative Consoles for Scripting

Please excuse me if there is a better section for this topic, figured general is OK

I was wondering if anyone else here used any sort of keyboard peripherals or creative consoles to help with the workflow of making scripts? I’m getting more practice scripting but I feel if I had something with a dial to scrub through frames on OFS and programmable keys for shortcuts it would make the process quicker and smoother for me.

Was looking at maybe trying something like this, excuse me if links aren’t allowed:

Thanks in advance

I’ve tried using dials and mouse with thumb wheels to scrub through the timeline, but they don’t seems to work very well with OFS. Basically it doesn’t take their scrolling input, so I had to set a keyboard shortcut for frame skipping and bind that shortcut to my dial / wheel. The end result is clunky and not any smoother than press and holding keys.

I’ve then came to the conclusion that best way to navigate is to use your mouse’s middle button. Just click and drag.

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I used a keypad like that before in order to tighten the numbers 0 to 10, because I found myself sticking to 1,4,7,10 a lot, and I could bind keys to those values…
I think the most useful thing I ever did was started using Cheat Engine to speed up the rate at which you can scroll through videos, as well as shrink the video down to a 480p x264 encode, or remove the i-frames using FunExpander. Then you can scroll through frames of the video very fast with a 120hz+ monitor. Also, override the framerate to like 24fps or 30fps, depending on what you’re scripting and on the original framerate.