Play "Handy" scripts on a Fleshlight Launch

I’ve done the firmware update and everything seems to be working correctly, so first off mad props to everyone involved with this project!

Now I do have a question about speed though. I’ve set the max speed all the way in scriptplayer, and lower the input command delay to the minimum of 1 ms. However I’m still seeing difficulties on fast actions, where commands are dropped altogether. By lowering the movement range it works again, so I’m assuming the commands are correctly sent and received over the bluetooth, it’s just that a full 0 to 100 range will be skipped if it would be too fast for the launch I suppose?

So my question is, what would be the ideal settings for a launch? What maximum speed are you able to eek out of the launch, and at what range?

Thank you

It highly depends on the situation. But from my experience the launch performs generaly poorly. Only slower scripts work fine, but its nowhere near as responsive as the handy. When i had one (there is a good reason i dont have it anymore) it did struggle at fast full strokes, not even being capable of reaching the speed it could do when not using bluetooth.

To figure out the actual limit you could use one of these scripts (especialy the top one helps):

As these have a linear curve of change and have full strokes, you can see when the launch starts to struggle and use that as a limit. (note, even the handy isnt able to fully perform the motion for these, but that one compensates by going for reduced stroke lengths).

The moment where it starts to struggle as progress bar can give you the number of how quick it can respond.

For the top script, if for example if it struggles at 40%, you can use this formula:
40 x 5 + 100 = ups (units per second. in this case 300)
where ups is the maximum speed it can perform. To get actions per minute as a limit then, you just divide it by 100 (the range value):
ups (300) / 100 = actions per second (8)

Its not the best test. but can give a quite decent idea. If you think the device is being limited by the full strokes and you want a more optimal node count that is being processed, adjust the stroke lengths to 50% and do the test again (formulas dont need adjusting as the division by 100 does this for you).

This test doesnt work if the device can handle more than 5 actions per second though (script wasnt designed for that).

Thank you that was already quite useful. From my test I’d say the Launch manages to reach 460 units per second at full strokes. Lowering at range 9-89 already is enough to keep up with the complete test. A pretty decent result :smiley:

Well, everything was going insanely well for exactly 4 days and now…

For some reason the launch keeps disconnecting from Intiface Central, and I’m getting some “Device errored while trying to connect: Btleplug error: Not Connected” error on reconnect.

Am I screwed or can it be fixed somehow?