Please Help with Script Player for a Newbie

It’s been four hours that I’m fighting to try to use Script Player with The Handy ( that software is so damn complicate no offense )
Everything is well connected and when I play in “Script Only” mode everything works fine but I always have a black screen, I tried to connect it to vlc but same.
In the troubleshooting of the software they redirect you to some codecs issues wich suprise me cause I can read anytype of videos with VLC or MPC.
Would you be kind enough to help me with this issue please ?

script only mode means it will play script only and no video.
you want Video player set to Local
you want your video and funscript in the same folder
you want them to have the same name, just different file type like .mp4 and .funscript

you can put in your handy conneciton key in Settings and connect to handy over wifi,
or use butplug to connect to handy over bluetooth, and connect scriptplayer to butplug

dont know the process of putting vlc into this well enough to explain it coherently, but you can just play the video through scriptplayer if you set it to Local instead of script only

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Thanks a lot for your answer man.
Of course I tried already in Local but that’s the issue I’m having a black screen no video is playing. The script and video are in the same folder with the same name :frowning:
TheHandy is well connect in Bluetooth mode, and works fine in Script only mode.
Sans titre-4

when you open the stuff in script player, do you select the script or the video ?

Tried both with the same result

The files are correctly loaded it seems
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I haven’t been able to get upscales to work locally script player. Try finding the non 4K video and see if that works. If I have to use scriptplayer with my device, Im using the MPC player instead of VLC.
That being said my software preference with the handy is Handycontrol because it launches the video player automatically and the names don’t have to be the same, meaning if you have 2 scripts for the same vid you can drag and drop them.

Tried with MPC and it worked !!! Thanks a lot Howard !
Tried to look for HandyControl a bit but that stuffs seems way more complicate for me :wink: I have a working player that’s all I need for now. Just discovered all that new world like one week ago and I’m still in shock haha

Ya Handycontrol is pretty different tbh but once you put the time in its more seamless imo. But i totally get where you are coming from.