I have OSR2 and am waiting for the sr6 I ordered.
While waiting for my sr6 to come, I’ve been trying to make some scripts for my use.
However, if you run my script with Osr2, the operation will be delayed by 2 to 3 seconds.
Also, some of the scripts in the second half didn’t work.
I operated the script through the XTP player connected to Deo VR.
And I only tried to work with XTP players and multi-fun players, but there was the same problem.
Many of the scripts I downloaded from this community worked normally.
I want to know if this problem is caused by H265 codec or if the way I wrote the script is wrong.
Video link
mglalanadamonrem_6kvr265.roll.funscript (7.4 KB)
mglalanadamonrem_6kvr265.funscript (82.4 KB)