Plugin or program to automate fap hero scripting?

A small lifehack, you don’t need to script FHs frame by frame, its normally enough to script exactly between 2 beats, copy those beats and paste them, after a few beats it will be slightly shiftet, so paste again and use the arrow keys to offset them to the new position.
That way you can script a lot - and i mean A LOT - faster


My personal method of doing these things is just playback in slow motion and tapping at the beat. For most sections i can then just use a script to add in the point before the beat (and the script i has also preserves pacing here).

If in the beats i need a more special section (for example there are 3 very fast beats and i want to have them at diffierent positions, so they still take at least a full stroke in length) i do use the copy paste method. But in most CH videos this simply isnt needed.

The problem with automating visuals is that you need to compensate for offsets on the beat. They are nice for verification purposes as some parsed audio tools will miss beats, yet the screen can indicate 1 should be in the middle. But exclusively parsing based on screen info is just a bad idea. Sure, you can still shift these afterward, but the audio is what realy matters here in the first place.

Plenty of CH videos only have audio beats and they work perfectly fine with scripts because you then dont realy need to know the pattern to follow anyway.

But even if you use beat detection, you must do a check yourself to be sure beats arent missed (these are for a CH very disruptive). Or to avoid excessive short and fast strokes making the entire CH dull (there is a reason a lot of these involve a wave pattern here).

I also digged into this before since I was scripting for some avant-garde faphero that has some really fucked up beat bar. And there’s no music…

This post may be useful for you: Milovana - How to Script a Cock Hero in Under 10 Minutes by LondonGent

If the video beats to the bass then Funscript Generator would be handy. It’s meant to be used with a dedicated beat track, but for most audio you could use the EQ to separate the bass, then let it do the job.

ScriptPlayer.VideoSync by @liquid looks promising as visual-based automation. It’s not released yet and unsupported by the dev atm. I personally have failed to build it after fiddling for days. @LondonGent what is the compiling magic you used there? :woozy_face:

And then I believe Tech_Dave is working on something similar. Good luck with the test flight!

reason i don’t do that is cause they tend to switch beats often enough that that just doesnt work for me

ive seen this but this only works if you have beat audio and in my case i dont have that

I sometimes use this for videos with beat bar:

It makes a 1 stroke / beat script and you can make it HM using or something else

Also tried the audio program Falafel mentioned but it’s pretty annoying to use I agree.


tech dave gave me a more simple solution using an auto clicker and its working so far lol

Does it automatically detect beat patterns and stuff? Or does it just help with timing beats?

just presses a button when theres a color detection change

Are you going to use it to script Hentez’ new video?

how did you know lmao

I saw that is just got released :smile: and I had the same idea.

Actually already generated this one for the free version using the python thingy I mentioned.

pub_ch-hard-mode.funscript (57.6 KB)

I doubled the beats and changed some stroke lengths but beyond that it’s all automatic.

Maybe compare this to your method ? See what works better / easier.

I just got access to the longer one and it’s still downloading.

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sure but when i tried loading yours it seems half finished idk whats up with that but im gonna get back to doing mine

A beat track isn’t necessarily required. If there’s an audible bass sound in the music that’s synced to the beat notes (which a lot of creators do), you can just put the video in, tweak the Eq until the bass is the only audible thing. Adjust the peak2beat threshold if other stuff get caught in script generation.

A horrible example of a script generated to the bass

You can tell the strokes are perfectly synced to the beat-ing

Sure it doesn’t work with every FH since creators can get creative. My guy beats to the fucking piano.

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That sounds elegant. Bless the one with codes in this community (*八´∀`)

It’s supposed to look like this

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yeah I know, I’ve used this before but the visual method seems easier besides I’m gonna do half of the scripting myself manually anyways

welp, for me it works. Good luck tho!

Just ran the patreon version through python and doubled it to give me this basic script

CHRISTMAS GIFT_ch-hard-mode - Copy.funscript (118.3 KB)

This method takes a bit of time to setup if you’re starting from scratch but after it takes maybe 10m of work and 20m of processing to finish.

one im working on is a bit more complicated thats why im still working on it, but i use the method to give me a foundation to build on basically. cause im doing full speed with some extras

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